
Turtle Water Heater?

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I'm planning to get a water heater for my red eared slider turtle on wednseday, in the meantime what can I use to keep the water warm?




  1. Basking light! You can shine the lamp on half the basking area, and half water. Also do you have a UVb light?-you need that. Also you need a filter.I recomend  you get a tetra heater, its green and has a casing around it to protect a curious turtle, it keeps the water at 76F, so its a pretty good heater.

  2. its summer right now and he should be ok till maybe end of sept..middle of Oct depending on what state your in. Here in Calif I have a pond and I hook up the heater for my 2 girls that are 36 yrs old end of Oct.

  3. Your better off putting some large rocks in the tank that the turtle can climb out on and putting a basking light above it, they need to be out of the water for several hours a day to bask as they absorb the uvb from the light and also the heat aids in digestion, plus the light will keep the temperature of the water up for them.

  4. If the water temp is about 75-80F, you don't need a heater, although I always recommend one in homes where it can get cooler.

    Try for more ideas.

  5. Nothing really. Just dont have them by and drafts, fans, and windows. Moniter the Temperaturte and Keep there basking light on.
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