
Turtle tank?

by Guest60190  |  earlier

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i am planning on getting a turtle and i want to know if a 10 gallon fish tank will work for a turtle? and i have heard that turtles get big. how big of a tank will eventually have to get?

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  1. Website: or

    Answer: 10 is too small for anything but a baby for a short time. The guideline is 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length. A 1" turtle would need 10 gallons of water to swim in, and if you leave space so it cannot climb out, you would need a partially filled 20 gallon tank.

    Red-ear Sliders hit 9-12" long, while Painted Turtles generally stay under 7" and most North American Mud and Musk Turtles usually do not get past 6".

    Experts who care about the turtle suggest that adult Red-ears should be raised in large outside ponds to offer enough room.

  2. if you're going to get a baby one, a ten gallon tank will be plenty for now. however, once your turtle starts growing, you're definitely going to need a bigger tank. also, it depends on what type of turtle you're planning on getting. certain types grow faster than others.

    good luck!

  3. I wouldnt suggest using a ten gallon, but if you already have a ten gallon then use it as a feeding tank.  that will keep your regular tank much cleaner.  

    this looks like a good site-

    If you havent made up your mind about what type of turtle you are getting than i suggest a mississippi map turtle.  A male gets about 5 inches long.  a female will get over 9 inches.  they are great turtles for starters and theyre size makes them a perfect match for people without alot of space.  For a male  I would get a 30 or 40 gallon tank.  you can always get a bigger tank of course but that is a males minimum. They need a uv lamp, an underwater heater, a place to get dry, and a filter would help.  They arent tolerant to dirty water.  the tank should be cleaned weekly.  they love live food like crickets and mealworms.  to keep them healthy pellet foods should also be given that are high in vitamin a and calcium.  Their water temp should be kept a little over 80 degrees.  they also are not agressive, i have never had one bite me. They are personally my favorite turtle and i would recommend them to anyone.

  4. what kind of turtle? if it is a red eared slider you need a 30 gallon

  5. a turtle will not out grow its surroundings...

  6. Yup, 10 gallons per inch is minimum.  Size will depend on species.  An RES will need a 75-100gallon.  A musk will need a 40 gallon.  A 10 gallon is too small for any turtle, as it will be impossible to obtain a heat basking at one end and cool at the other end.
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