
Turtle trouble?

by Guest62505  |  earlier

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my red ear slider is constantly basking, 24/7 and doesn't do much.

we bought her 4 weeks ago and she was donated to the store by her previous owners. she doesn't look very sick but she is sluggish sometimes and just keeps on basking even when the light is off at night, and only goes into the water if I throw her in. Help reptile experts, Is something wrong with her???




  1. I'd take her to a vet that knows what they're talking about.

  2. res bask more than stay in the water try puttin her in the water and see what happens if she goes back up then maybe she just gettin what she needs,and there is a pos that she is sick she she eating?

  3. do you have the basking area hot enough? and do you have a water heater? she may not want to go in the water as it is too cold for her, if you do have the correct set up and water temp then i would get her checked out by a vet who knows turtles, here is a care sheet on RES turtles which may help you also check your UV light is working as well, don't throw her in the water as this could be making your turtle stressed if she won't go in on her own get her checked out she could be sick. best of luck hope your turtle feels better soon

  4. there could be something wrong with her. you should take her to a vet. its the only way to be sure she's ok

  5. need more info

    on living environment condition

    like wheither your place is warm or cold

    do you have a heating rock for turtle?

    do you have a u.v. bulb for turtle?turtle bask because they need vit. k

  6. Just because a turtle basks for most of the day doesnt mean it is sick.

    After studying turtle behavior, I can say, and so do other experts, that turtles have different personalities. By this I mean, some like spending equal time in land and water, some spend most of their time on land and some spend their time in water.

    I have 2 african side neck turtles, and they are the complete opposite. The male spends 24/7 on his basking rocks while the female spends more than half of her time in the water and rarely goes up to land.

    Therefore, nothing is wrong with your turtle just because it is spending its time on land. However, if you see any strange signs/behavior such as sneezing/blowing bubbles while on land etc, then that is a sign to take her to a vet

    Good luck!

  7. well i leave my light on 24/7 my turtles are in the light all day you don't need a heat rock really that would be dumb maybe it just likes sitting in the light "sun" if it wants to go in the water it would animals in nature don't kill themselfs lol ya know it could be sick maybe it needs a beter diet? that peek person seems to like copy and pasteing they did give a good list of foods though fish aren't every good for one there isn't much nutriants in them and they make the tank messy and stinky good luck i hope i helped ya out a lil :) i hope it has a long life
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