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does anyone know any species of turles that only get to be about 5 inches of smaller as adult or what are some small turles that dont get that big( like southen painted turtle)




  1. i think Red Earred Sliders onlygrow to be 5-6 inches.

  2. yes red eared sliders can grow a foot long don't buy those you should stick with the painted turtle their are species of tortoises that stay 5 or 6 inches like Russian tortoises and maybe Greek tortoises

  3. red ear sliders get to be 8-12 inches.

    look into mud turtles or musk turtles. they stay small as do southern painted sliders :)

  4. probably the red ear slider

  5. RES can get much larger than 5 inches.  You might try an eastern painted turtle.  They don't get any larger than 7 inches.  Good luck!  :)

  6. Stay away from RES. Red eared sliders can grow to be a foot long and longer in some instances.

    I suggest you look into Reeve's turtles. Chicken turtles, musk and mud turtles.

    Best of luck!
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