
Tuscany trip.?

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My hubbie & I are travelling to Tuscany, early, Sept, arr. Bologna, dept Pisa. Can anyone suggest where to visit. We are going to Sansepulcro, Siena, Lucca & Pisa.. We love small towns and villages with character. We love real Italian food. We will be driving. Many thanks.




  1. We are doing this trip in january, arriving in bologna and leaving from pisa. We are getting the train though. I dont think there is much in Bologna, we are spending the first night there but getting the train to florence first thing next morning. We are also debating whether to stop off at imola to see the race track, but it'll probably be all closed up that time of year.

  2. I'm with Sean on this one.  I lived in Florence for a year.  It's great.  Must see in Firenze/Florence - Uffizzi -lots of famous

    paintings - Boticelli being my favorite, Giardino di Boboli - great park - they have concerts some times, Piazzale Michelangelo - panoramic view of Florence and surrounding areas - just walk there, it's up the river from the Ponte Vecchio (opposite of US embassy), Accademia - only if you really like sculpture - there is a replica of David in Piazza de la Signoria otherwise.  The Duomo and Capella de Medici are obvious - but there's so much more.

    Outside of Florence I loved Luca, Siena and San Giminiano - go to San Giminiano - you'll love it!  Best character by far, and you'll find the world's best gelato there (ice cream).  

    I've never been to Cinque Terre, but it's 5 fishing villages that, I heard, must be experienced.

    Food in Florence - I loved Tratoria Anita (by Piazza de la Signoria-Via Vinegia 16).  Also liked pizza in Giardino di Barbani (Piazza Independenza 3) - dinner only both places.  Also liked Pane e Olio by Ponte Rosso.  

    For lunch, a lot of Italians go to Palle D'Oro, in  Mercato San Lorenzo.  If you eat outside or sit down, you generally get charged more, it will show on your bill.  Tip as much as you like as servers have salaries in Italy.  If you want to know where people eat, ask the people in Mercato San Lorenzo - the guys/girls who sell stuff.  Just tell them you want to eat in a place they eat, not the general tourist places.  It also helps if you buy something from them.  You should bargain with them - ask for a "sconto" (discount), but don't insult the merchandise.

    Be aware that most outside vendors (not food) will charge you according to how you're dressed.  If you look like you have money, they'll give you one price.  If you look more modest, you'll actually get a better price.  (For instance they sell really cheap to Chinese people because they know China's economy is not the same as the US economy - this is a fact, even if it's not fair).  

    Also watch your pockets in crowded areas.  Italians don't steal, but a lot of illegal immigrants do because that's how they live.  It's difficult for them to get jobs.

    I stayed at Albergo Por Santa Maria before I got an appartment.  It's on Via Calimaruzza, 3, between Piazza de la Signoria and Piazza Porcellino.  She's reasonable, tell her Cenzia from Chicago sent you.  You'll have your own room, but you have to share a bathroom with others.  I hope she's still around.  If you like scarves, go see Allessandro Meucci in Piazza Porcellino.  You can tell him that a Romanian girl who used to work for Rachid send you.  He's really nice and has some nice things.  You can e-mail me if you'd like.

  3. For small Tuscan towns and villages with character, don't miss (in no particular order):



    San Gimignano





    Massa Marittima



  4. Sansepolcro  is  an  interesting  old  town  in  a  beautiful  area ; you  may  be  going  there  for  some  special  reason .   Just  south  of  Florence , I  recommend  Figline  Valdarno  as  a  pretty  unspoiled  town  with  lovely  square .

    Casa  Grande  is  the  best  hotel , but  worthy  of  a  visit  just  to  look  at  the  garden  and  ancient  courtyard ; you  can  eat  well  there  too , but  it  may  be  necessary  to  book  ahead .   On  the  square  is  a  simple  Tuscan  restaurant  

    " Stroncapane ".   There  is  another  more  fancy  nearer  the  church , but  I  think  it  pretentious  and  expensive .

    Other  places  I  recommend  to visit  are  Montepulciano , Villa  La  Foce , beautiful  gardens , Pienza ,                 Bagno  Vignoni , The  monastic  church  of  Sant'Antimo , one  of  the  most  beautiful  architectural  structures  in  all  Italy  near  Castelnuovo  dell'Abbate   .   Montalcino  to  sample  its  excellent  wine .  Castellina  in  Chianti  is  a  pretty  old  town  and  has  a  good  restaurant , ask .  Colle  di  val  d'Elsa  is  an  attractive  town  with  some  good  restaurants .   San  Giminiano  should  not  be  missed  for  its  amazing  towers , but  is  a  lovely  old  town  to  walk  around  and  much  good  food  on  offer .   Volterra  is  an  historic  town , particularly  noted  for  sculptured  alabaster .  Travelling  toward  the  coast  are  guardistallo , Bibbona , Bolgheri  noted  for  good  wine .   Marina  di  Cecina  for  a  swim  in  the  sea , is  quite  nice  or  Vada .   Between  Luca  and  Montecatini  Terme  are  a  series  of  beautiful  historic  villas  and  gardens .   I'm  sure  many  people  would  think  you  should  not  pass  without  a  visit  to  Florence .   If  you  want  to , here's  how .  Exit  the  autostrada  del  sole  at  Firenze  Sud , take  the  flyover  road  towards  the  city , at  its  end  turn  left  for  the  city , there  will  be  a  couple  of  traffic  lights  and  then  a  small  roundabout , keep  straight  on .   After  the  small  roundabout  you'll  see  a  big  Renault  agency  on  your  right  with  RAI  television  studios  following ; immediately  turn  right  and  find  parking  in  a  grove  of  pine  trees , failing  this  the  other  side  of  the  main  road .   At  the  back  of  the  pine  grove  is  a  small  road  leading  into  Via  Arretina , straight  opposite  is  a  newsagent  to  buy  some  bus  tickets , get  a  4times  ticket .  Along  the  road  to  your  left  as  you  cross  is  a  bus  stop , take  a  no.14 , get  out  in  Via  Cavour , just  before  The  Duomo ; from  there  you  can  walk  easily across  the  city , straight  on  will  take  you  to  Piazza  Signoria  and  Palazzo  Vecchio , on  again  across  Ponte  Vecchio  to  Palazzo  Pitti ; where  you  can  see  the  galleria  Palatina  and  Boboli  Gardens .   I  don't  recommend  trying  the  Uffizzi , because  there  are  long  queues .   Returning  to  your  car , go  to  the  middle  of  the  north  side  of  the  Duomo  cathedral , where  there  is  a  bus  stop  for  no.14  .  On  your  outward  trip , look carefully  for  your  landmark  signs .   You  will get  off  right  by  the  little  road  into  the  car  park  under  the  pines ; before  your  stop  is  a  large  block  of  modernish  apartments  with  a   row  of  pine  trees  in  front .   Retrace  your  steps  onto  the  autostrada , south .  Good  Luck , Have  a  Great  Time .

  5. Siena

    Lucca/Pisa They are very close to each other.

    San Gimignano/ florence they are close to each other also. Assisi is not to far from them either.

    Assisi which should be wonderful if the sunflowers are still out.  These are all great cities to visit.

  6. You cannot and by this mean absolutely cannot miss out Firenze, it is the most beautiful city in Italy other than Venice.  You are right the food is absolutely brilliant (but no better than the decent Italian restaurants in London and the South East), the art is un-imaginable breathtaking as is the architecture.  I love that part of the world and envy you greatly.

  7. You should see the famous tower when you're visiting Pisa, its beautiful. Theres lots of exhibitions you can visit for the tourists and many gardens.

    um, i havent been to duomo yet in siena but alot of tourists go there, its a huge palace and theres many landmarks in italy, so have a good time!!
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