
~Tutankhamen~ know anything bout' him??

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I have to research Tutankhamen in only 2 days. The following questions I need help answering are:

- Tutankhamens achievements

- The evidence we have about Tutankhamen

- any evidence about Tutankhamen destroyed? (if so by who and why).

If you know these answers (or even 1) it would be in need ><





  1. Tutankhamen did not really achieve anything spectacular that was worth recording compared to his ancestors, therefore, there is very little info regarding his great accomplishments. This is also due to his extremely short rule, Tutankhamun was only eight or nine years old when he became pharaoh, and reigned for approximately ten years, making him eighteen or nineteen years old at death.

    In historical terms, Tutankhamun&#039;s significance stems from his rejection of the radical religious innovations introduced by his predecessor Akenhaten and that his tomb, uniquely, in the Valley of the Kings was discovered almost completely intact -- the most complete ancient Egyptian tomb ever found.

    In Year 3 of Tutankhamnen&#039;s reign, while he was still a boy, probably about 11, and under the influence of two older advisors, the ban on the old pantheon of deities and their temples was lifted, the traditional privileges were restored to their priesthoods, and the capital was moved back to Thebes. King Tutankhamun restored all of the traditional deities, and restored order to the chaos created by his uncle Akhenaten.

  2. I know he is dead.


    This is the fastest I came out with.

  4. yeah, Egyptian dude.  King, died about age 20.

    Ever think of doing a search?  Just plug king Tut into the search window.  Imagine how many sites will come up with ino on him!

  5. I don&#039;t know enough about him..Tuta hamen was a child king.. he was just 9 years old when he became Pharao..

    Some people say he was originally named  Tutankhaten. He married a slightly older Ankhesenpaaten one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

    when he became pharao his name was changed to Tutanchamen his wife&#039;s name was changed also to Ankhsehamum.

    Tutankhamun was coming of age and this worried Ay, who had been ruling in the boy&#039;s name for the past 10 years.

    At such a young age, Tutankhamun would not have been responsible for the real decision making. This would have been handled by two high officials called Ay (possibly the father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, commander-in-chief of the army.

    Sometime around the ninth year of Tutankhamun&#039;s reign, possibly 1325 B.C., he died. There is evidence of an injury to the skull that had time to partly heal. He may have suffered an accident, such as falling from his horse-drawn chariot, or perhaps he was murdered. No one knows. Ay oversaw Tutankhamun&#039;s burial arrangements which lasted 70 days.


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