
Tutoring for 10 yr. old.?

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Does anyone know of some good tutoring services in Chicago, IL area besides Sylvian Learning Center. I hear they are good but I just cant afford them at this current time. This is for my 10yr. old who's struggling in Reading and Math.. Please any resources will be helpful..




  1. Find one of the colleges and see who needs money for school. Often the college kids are more than  willing to work with younger kids in exchange for money or credit in education courses. Most teacher education programs have tutors available for any course at any level.

  2. Linda Mood Bell program, not sure of the expense, but it's probably up there like all the others.  Go to the library and look for a book called, Direct-Instruction Reading by Douglas Carnine.  It will give you the what, the when, and the how to teach reading to a child (you can also purchase it at amazon, like 75's a text book used in universities to teach reading teachers and such).  They also do a math book.  It is researched based and proven effective in successfully helping non readers become readers.  It's worth a try if nothing else.  I use it constantly for developing curriculum and lessons for students who struggle in reading.  Look for tutors at local universities, call the schools.  Many times students of education or special education will offer tutoring for less than the going rates of a Sylvan type place.  

    Good luck and I wish you all the best....

  3. Sometimes the teachers are willing themselves or schools will have them. Talk to them. Then see if you have neighbors that may have already experienced this, so they know what to do.

  4. I'm not sure, but i have heard many times that Sylvan is NOT good for kids with learning problems, and that they are a scam.

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