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I know its only the end of July but when school starts again I want to tutor for some money. I am going into 11th grade and I will be 16 soon and I got all A's and B's. Do you think this would be a good idea to make some money?? When would I start telling people about it?? October?? Also what is a good price to charge?? I figured I would do younger kids, 5th, 6th grade and any subject that they needed help with and they could bring their school books and I could help them with homework and explaine it to them better and get them ready for test and such. I figured we could do it at my house since I don't drive and my parents are very busy. Does this all sound like a good idea?? Do you think someone would call?? Thanks!!




  1. u may wanna start know so people can start considering for school

  2. I think that's a great idea! You should find local elementary or middle schools and talk to the principal or teachers. You could say that you are would like to tutor students and ask if he/she thinks anyone would be interested.You can put signs up around your neighborhood. Also, try to find out if your school helps tutor younger students. Whenever you think you are ready, you should tell people about it. As for the price, I think the average price is $35 per hour. I think if if you do a good job of advertising, people will call. But if they don't, be patient. It may take a while. Good luck!

  3. I have a degree in math and psychology teaching and have tutored, and it is a lot of fun. I only charge 10 an hour, but I have colleagues that charge 15-20.

    I know a lot of parents who would want someone more professional than a high school student, but they might be willing to try it if it was the right price. Especially if you had a great GPA or a specific skill in a subject. I would make fliers and hand them out to your neighbors that have kids, and possibly ask if you could put up an ad at the school where parents could see it. Even just a sign like a "for sale" or "yard sale" sign that had "tutoring--elementary subjects" and your phone # somewhere close to the elementary schools might be helpful. Make sure you have a LOT of references if you want to tutor, and that they are ok with getting phone calls. You might also want to consider tutoring at the library, so that people don't worry about going to your house.

    Good luck!!!

  4. Amber and Gigi are absolutely right. I am a substitute teacher who tutors, and my 17 year old has tutored.

    I will be honest and tell you that most parents want a student who has gotten A's in the subjects that he/she will be tutoring in. Now, that doesn't mean you can't tutor, but you might want to start by limiting yourself to those topics that you know very well.

    Once you have established a good reputation, then you could expand.

    Also, try making business cards that you can pass out. Some schools have bulletin boards for listing tutoring, and some guidance offices keep a list of tutors.

    This is also something that you can put down on your college apps, under both jobs and extra-curricular activities.

    Good luck!
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