
Tv cable help please?

by  |  earlier

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okk so my family has Time Warner Cable, and we got it when we only had one tv in the house, which is in our living room. we have been recieving cable on that television for about a year now. but recently i got a small tv for my room, and i was wondering how to get cable in my room? please tell me how much it will cost, if there is an additional monthly fee i'll have to pay, etc. and any other information that you know. thanks (:




  1. Go to Wal-Mart, buy a signal splitter, run a coaxial to your room, done.


  2. If you want Time Warner to do it they will charge around $25 -$35 to install it. I would recommend them doing it because if you get the wrong splitter as mentioned above you might cut down on your signal to much and cause your digital box not to work. You need to have good signal on the correct freqency or you can lose things like on demand or certain channels. For $25 its worth it.

  3. you can buy a 3 way spitter that cost about 12.99 at walmarts target walgreens kmarts

  4. If it's analog cable (without a set-top box), then you just need to get a splitter and then run a second cable from the splitter to your room. That's the hard part, unless you have some internal path in your house that doesn't require opening up walls. If your room is on the same floor as the living room, and you have a crawlspace, then you can snake the cable under the house and then up into your room. If its more difficult than that, you should probably hire a professional cable installer - it can dangerous to open up walls, as you might accidently cut into some electrical wiring.

    You don't have to pay extra to the cable company unless they need to supply you with a 2nd set-top box.
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