
Tv is a bad influence on youth today?

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I need to gather the opinions of other people on this statement for some homework so...

Do you agree or disagree?




  1. i think tv is most definitely the single most influestial item today.. what we watch constructs, moulds and carves out our life but we might never be aware of it.. i think there is way too much violence, s*x, drugs, guns and rock and roll it is so unreal..

    they blame violence on rap, but forget to blame tv for violent  rap and movies alike...

    i'll rather my kids watch sitcoms, news games and things like that.. all this c**p that has come into tv in the form of entertainment is way too obscene..

    I am 19 years of age and grew up watching tv some times but i still know wrong from right thank goodness to good parenting..

    I'll say blame it on the Parents.. they go out looking for bread and butter while their children stay at home and turn into rotten bread and butter

  2. agree; tv is making todays younger generations immune to violence and inapropriate references

  3. I believe there are both pros and cons.

    Desensitization to human suffering is definitely not a pro, but on the other hand, there is so much education that we are obliged to give credit where it is due.

    Even in mindless sitcoms, you can make mental notes of what "doesn't work". You can't help but learn some things from medical dramas, forensics dramas, and in all honesty, quality kids programming.

    I know that the lines between right and wrong are terribly obscured though. In our lust for shock value, we stretch our sense of normal just a hint farther with each new episode.

    Growing up in this day and age, with TV as a guiding moral compass, I wouldn't have a clue what is even against the law. Cause and effect are not well represented in some programming, and a certain amount of "disconnect" with ones own humanity seems to be a continuing trend.

  4. Yes, I agree that television is a bad influence on youth in America today.  There are so many rated-r tv shows, on the air, that gives children and teenagers ideas to creat violence.  Violence can be seen on television on several channels like, Comedy Central, and Spike TV.  Today, violence is seen as entertainment, and youngsters don't realize how much harm it can do to others.  

    There was a tv show, called "Kicked In The Nuts."  I don't think the tv show is still viewing, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, it was a hidden camera show, where a guy in a black suit and in an orange wig would go around and kick other guys in the nuts.  Then he would, point to the camera after kicking them.  No matter what violent acts are being done, not all people realize that it can harm others.  

    To make all this worse, the cable companies and the media don't seem to care.  What violent acts are seen on television doesn't seem to matter to them.  America would be a better place without all these violent shows on tv.

  5. I agree. Television today is too full of violence and nudity and curse words. Parents do not monitor what their children are watching and use the tv more like a baby sitter. I also blame television/the media for all the pressure put on young people to look perfect, wear designer clothes, and drive expensive cars. The saddest issue is the glorification of "gangstas" and the degradation of women in rap videos.

  6. nah

    some shows are pretty violent but if u dont think about doing the stuff they do ur okay so no.

    i dont listen to the shows or n e thing like that,

  7. I don't think TV is to blame nearly as much as parents.  Too many parents these days just use the TV as a babysitter.  On one hand, you can't blame them, because so many parents work full time these days and are exhausted when they get home.  And once you have kids watching TV constantly without supervision, they're going to run into shows they shouldn't be seeing.  Kids naturally get a thrill from watching something "bad" and acting "older," and once those kinds of mindless networks grab them (*cough*MTV*cough), it's all over.

    New cultural developments have always been considered a "bad influence" on youth, from rock-and-roll in the '50s to TV and videogames today.  Those just seem like excuses to me - confused adults trying to explain why their teenagers rebel during the natural process of seeking more independence.  TV can't be a totally bad influence.  If a kid is raised with their parents always putting on Animal Planet or the Discovery Channel, they can learn quite a bit, and develop an enduring love of knowledge.  By the time they get older and start watching the "bad influences," they'll know better.  It's just that parents don't have the time to purposefully shape their kids' taste in TV at a young age.

  8. i think the internet is worst

    I mean ms bimbo has to be the most rubbish website in the world it sets a bad example for girls

  9. Surely is.. it teaches violence, the bad language, showing bad behaviour towards parents and friends, teaching children to be naughty as well.

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