
Tv keeps turning off...?

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my cable converter box kept turning off and i had it replaced. now i notice that the whole outlet keeps turning itself off (cable box, tv, dvd player, etc) and since it's on the same circuit with the fridge that keeps going off too. when i look at the breaker box though, none of the breakers are flipped and eventually it all goes back on after about 15-20 minutes. i worry that it may not come back on though. any thoughts on what may be the problem?!?




  1. Check for a GFCI! There are outlets that are used to protect people from electric shock and they look like a square outlet instead of the normal kind, they have a set of buttons on them and also the new ones have lights on them. When the outlet senses a potential short circuit it shuts off. There are new ones that reset themselves. The bad thing is that a refrigerator can cause these to trip. Then anything that is on that circuit shuts off. You may have to look in a lot of different places to find the outlet. It may not be easy to see. If you have a basement, garage or kitchen area, check those.

  2. I agree that a GFCI is the place to start looking. Here a are few details to clarify this:

    GFCIs are designed to detect ground faults, their primary purpose is not to detect short circuits. A ground fault is where electricity leaks where it's not supposed to go, for example, the exterior of a refrigerator where it might lead to electrocuting you.

    They are installed in areas where water would be present. One GFCI can protect several electric outlets, you will have to locate the one on this circuit. It will have two buttons. The "Test" button should cause the GFCI to trip, cutting off power to all the outlets that are downstream of the GFCI.

    By testing the GFCI you can make sure that it works and verify which outlets are downstream of the GFCI. If a socket that has your original problem is not effected by the GFCI test, then you have a different problem.

    The reset button resets the GFCI if the ground fault is no longer present.

    The next time the circuit goes out, you might go to the GFCI and try to reset it. if it doesn't reset, unplug your refrigerator and try again.

    Let us know what you find.


    >i checked behind the fridge and no GFCI. the house was built in 1948 and has all original outlets. however, it was pretty dusty and grimy back there...

    A GFCI could have been retrofitted at any outlet on that circuit. Check the outlets near any water or appliances that use water.

    Without a GFCI, the dirt and grime wouldn't cause this problem but it's likely that your refrigerator is wasting energy = wasting money! To operate efficiently refrigerators need good air circulation in the area where they dump heat, usually in the back.

    If there really isn't a GFCI and your not tripping breakers, you are probably best to hire an electrician.

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