
Tv reporter!?

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I want to be a tv reporter when I grow up. how much would they get paid in a year?




  1. I grasp the fact that having good journalistic integrity and wanting to tell the story the right  way  is  not why you want to be a TV journalist. You're only interested in the moolah. Sorry kid it doesn't work that way. You just don't get out of college and become a national TV anchor. Those days are long gone.

    You have to get experience in reporting  before you become an anchor, so I'd suggest getting a degree, however , not in journalism or communications. Something I was told by Ted Koppel when I was a teenager contemplating journalism school. Get a degree in anything else but journalism or communication because as a reporter you'll be sent to cover all kinds of stories on all kinds of subjects.

    Take a second , third or fourth language other than English in hs and at college. Get a well rounded degree, not a specialist one. One that includes ethics and critical thinking. Having seen young journalists, those two skills seem to be lacking in many.

    After you've done your time reporting , you'll make about 30,000 -40,000. To be an anchor you on local tv maybe 80-90,000 tops . National anchors , depending on the network and how good you are and how well your agent represents you the sky is the limit.

    I would STRONGLY recommend you read Barbara Walters' Audition to see how hard it is to be a woman journalist and she's the one who opened the door for most women journalists.

  2. too much
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