
Twelve Days Late... If Not Pregnant, what could it be?

by Guest57419  |  earlier

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I am 12 days late for my period..... that has never happened before. I am always very regular with 28 day cycles. My LMP was July 11th and then I had some bleeding about 18-19 days after that (too early for period). My period was due August 8th but instead I just got light pink spotting for a couple of days. I have been having some cramping and some random waves of nausea but that's about it (oh and some fantastic mood swings!!). Also, I am RIDICULOUSLY bloated. By the nd of the day, I look like I am about 4-5 months pregnant! That's also pretty unusual for me.

I started charting my BBT at the beginning of the month and it is staying pretty steady around 97.2. Today was 97.5. Seems kind of low to be pregnant but what do I know?!?

I took a HPT the day that my period was due and about 5 days after my period was due and they were both negative.

Has anyone else had a similar experience and ended up being pregnant or thought they were pregnant with similar symptoms but it ended up being something else?




  1. When you have a delayed period like this and you are not preggers, then it usually means either you did not ovulate or you ovulated late.  But don't worry, there are tons and tons of reasons for this.  Like you had a stressful day the day you were going to ovulate and your body delayed it or just skipped it all together.  Something happened to make your body delay.  Did you have anything out of the ordinary occur during days 10-15 by chance?  

  2. You could be just off this month.  I would wait another week or so and test again.  Better yet go to your family doctor and let them know you have tested and it came up negative.  The will give you a urine test and a lab test (which can tell right away if you are pregnant).  Sometimes if you are trying to get pregnant your body does weird things to make you think you are or like I said you might just be having a bad month.  Have your doctor check you out just to be sure.  

  3. ewwwww

  4. u must take a HPT again

  5. your schedule is just off this month.  It happens sometimes.

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