
Twelve year old killed grandparents??

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How is it possible for a twelve year old to do that?




  1. I probably qualify to be labeled a 'bleeding heart', whatever that is. Among some of the labels I can apply to myself, one of them is that I am a father of two children.

    From my earliest conscious years as an adult, I have also considered every single child on this planet to be 'mine' so I also speak from that perspective..

    I don't get how a 12-year old boy, any 12-year old boy, can be tried by adults as an adult.

    If this is another example of the best solution we can collectively come up with to deal with our children who go down an extremely wrong road, who are child killers, then we have not reached very far as a civilisation. If this world is organised logically, then I happily renounce being logical.

    We live on a planet of wealth, advanced technology, super 'reasoning' skills and 'wonderful' systems to manage our collective life, including war. Yet we don't get that every single child that currently draws breath is a blank slate upon which surface our collective consciousness will be reflected.

    If we have children who kill people it's because our world is organised in such a way that there are benefits gained when people are killed. Do not expect children to act differently from adults that cohabit their same planet.

    Do not expect children to not act out the denied hatred, rage, loathing and healthy indifference that underlies much of how we have chosen to organise life on our planet. Adults may mask all of this well. Children do not.

    Murder is a 'pre-meditated act done with the specific intent to take a human life'. Whatever factors we choose to bring to bear when pondering this incident, 'our' child took the life of two persons and burnt their house down.

    Look around our wonderful planet. Lives are being taken every day for many 'logical' reasons. That's 'real'. What is also 'real' is that life is wonderful for only a handful.

    There were many factors that summed together to create that awful day when a 12-year old boy, Christopher Pittman, killed his grandparents and when those other children opened guns on their own loved ones, peers and/or strangers.

    Just as building more prisons has proven irrelevant to stemming crime, incarcerating children who kill for adult terms does not stop other and increasingly more children from murdering.

    There are many factors that add up to a planet where billions live in poverty when there is enough wealth to go around to at the minimum, feed, clothe, shelter and provide good health care and some money to every single human being alive.

  2. Unfortunately children can commit murder like an adult. It's heartbreaking to think the grandparents lost their lives at the hands of their own flesh and blood.

  3. If the kids a sociopath it would be relatively easy.  They usually have above average intelligence and no conscience.  They could plot something out and the cops first  suspect is not likely going to be the 12 year old grandson.

  4. A 12 year old is just as capable of killing as any one else. How is it not possible?

  5. It is inconceivable. For normal people, homicide in cold blood is generally impossible to even imagine.  

    But perhaps the first answerer, "coolwoman27" gives us a clue how a child could commit a double homicide.  Notice in her answer how she seems to think /suggest that murder is perfectly possible by any person?  Do you see that that woman does not seem to totally grasp the concept that homicide is more or less impossible for ninety-nine percent of the people in America?  

    Often, "there is something about some people that nobody can understand", in this case, how a child, or 27 yr old woman, could possibly entertain the idea of killing a person, but clearly they do nevertheless.

    It seems to be one of those things that a normal person cannot understand except to beleive that crazy, destructive acts sometimes seem perfectly okay to some people for completely incomprehensible reasons.

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