
Twice I ordered grilled chicken and I got crispy chicken at two different McDonalds. What can I do to get bett

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er service?




  1. since they have give u a wrong order give them back! U paid for your burger so u deserve to get the right burger

  2. Tell them to shove it

  3. Wow -only twice? Please don't hold your breath waiting for good service-it ain't gonna happen. Check your order before backing away from the counter or driving off. Those people don't work there because they're brilliant.

  4. stop eating  there, its nasty anyway

  5. Take it back and tell them

  6. Better than service I had once I asked for 2 number 9's(for me and my bro) and the guy said."Two number twos coming right up." that's what happens when you hire Kindergarten drop outs.

  7. Write the corporate office and complain.

  8. try not going to mcdonalds

  9. brush your teeth

  10. whatta shame

  11. That happened to me with my snack wraps. Now I park in the parking lot and check. If it is wrong, I go back around, or in, and give them the food and the order paper and have them do it right.

  12. Open it when you get it and if it's wrong...give it back.

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