
Twighlight series book readers???

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does anyone else think that meyer should keep writing and continuing the series?? cuz i sure do.




  1. If she ends the series i will seriously cry, she cant end it people love this series it would really suck if she did.  But she said after Midnight Sun there is a fifth and sixth book but not from Bellas POV.

  2. Nah. It ended on a good note even thouh I want her to write more of Bella's perspective.

  3. I agree with you. I think that she should write a couple of books just about Bella and Edwards and Renessme Vampire life. I am dying to see what happens to Renesmee as she grows up.  

  4. well i wish she did but it ended it already ended. i havent read the last book BREAKING DAWN!!

  5. she sorta is but there going to be from edwards perspective  

  6. Oh I definitely do! I just feel like Breaking Dawn wasn't the end. When I finished it, I couldn't get myself to think that that was the last part of the saga! I still can't get myself to believe it! Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited for Midnight Sun, but I wanted Edward & Bella's story to go on. I would never get bored of them. I just feel like there's so much more she could write off of. I think a book that takes place maybe 50 or 100 years after the end of Breaking Dawn would be interesting. Like where the Cullens moved to, and their new life there. Just an idea. (;

  7. nah i think continuing it would only make the series boring, it ended well and im looking forward to the movies

  8. i think she should so keep writing, who care if she ended it she keep writing she can also write feom other prospectives like shes doing wth midnight sun.

  9. She should but well she has already ended

    and they have already got to the happily ever after part so she can't

    but thn she can write the same story in other peoples point of view like what she's doing now: Edward's POV

    maybe she should write another series similar to this one

    actually she could write about what happens when like years have passed and like everyone is getting old so

    she could write about how bella feels about it and see what she does

    and pehaps the voturi can come back and make edward and bella join them or something they like refuses and the voturi decides to hunt them or something

    i dont know tbh

    just saying what i think

    lol silly

    but stephenie mayer should carry on writing twilight saga

    if not, another similar

    it'll be great and wont let people down

  10. Well, it ended so she cant. I LOVE the books, so I was deffinetly sad to see it end. BUT Midnight sun is coming out (edwards point of veiw), so that is continuing i guess!and apperantly its going to be longer!!   :) I CANT WAIT!

    and the movie too, 85 days to go lol!!!


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