
Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse?

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I have a couple questions about these books:

1-Why is there a red apple in hands for the cover?

2-What exactly happens to vampires when they are in the sun?

3- why is it called new moon?...

4-can someone give me a picture of Bella's truck?

5- what do you think Bella's powers are gonna be?.....IF YOU ALREADY KNOW>>>DON"T TELL ME!!!!

6- is there going to be a movie of all 4 books?

7-what does bella's prom dress look like? If you can .;.....add a picture!

8-why do all the boys in Forks High School like like bella if she's supposed to be average looking? Is she pretty or not?

9-How come Alice and Jasper can affect Bella with their supernatural powers, but Edward and Aro and Jane can't?

10-What did Edward break in the living room after the vote?

11-What happened to Lauren's hair?

12-Why did Edward leave? WHY?

13-Did Jacob imprint on Bella?

14-When is Midnight Sun coming out?

15-how did Billy Black get into a wheelchair???

16-Why is Jacob Black in love with Bella Swan?




  1. 1-Why is there a red apple in hands for the cover? Because apples are the forbidden fruit, and Bella and Edward's love is forbidden.

    2-What exactly happens to vampires when they are in the sun? They sparkle.

    3- why is it called new moon? Because in all of the books Edward is portrayed as the moon and Jacob the sun. In a New Moon, the moon doesn't show. In the book, Edward is gone.

    4-can someone give me a picture of Bella's truck? just try googling it.

    5- what do you think Bella's powers are gonna be?.....IF YOU ALREADY KNOW>>>DON"T TELL ME!!!!

    No one knows yet, well except for SMeyer and a few other people. I think it will have something to do with dreams.

    6- is there going to be a movie of all 4 books? Possibly if this first movie goes well.

    7-what does bella's prom dress look like? If you can .;.....add a picture! im sure you can google that too.

    8-why do all the boys in Forks High School like like bella if she's supposed to be average looking? Is she pretty or not?

    She's new, and they live in a very small town. She's interesting so they are attracted to her. She thinks she is plain, and SMeyer wrote it that way. That is basically the only explaination.

    9-How come Alice and Jasper can affect Bella with their supernatural powers, but Edward and Aro and Jane can't?

    It has yet to be explained, hopefully will be in the next book!

    10-What did Edward break in the living room after the vote?

    I can't remember him breaking anything, so not sure.

    11-What happened to Lauren's hair?

    I suppose you mean Laurent, and what do you mean what happened to his hair? Sorry, no answer for this one either. Or maybe you mean Bella's classmate, and I have no idea what happened to her hair either.

    12-Why did Edward leave? WHY?

    Because he thought Bella would be better without him, he was wrong.

    13-Did Jacob imprint on Bella?

    No, even though he has tried.

    14-When is Midnight Sun coming out?

    It has yet to be confirmed.

    15-how did Billy Black get into a wheelchair???

    It hasn't been explained, or at least I don't think it has.

    16-Why is Jacob Black in love with Bella Swan?

    Why is anyone in love with anyone else? It's really unexplainable.

  2. Most, if not all, of your questions are answered in the FAQs on Stephanie Meyer's site. It's uncanny, actually. Some of your questions are phrased exactly the same.

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