
Twilight Books, suitable for what age?

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Are they too much for a 12 year old? What's the swearing like in them, is there much or any violence and how about s*x?

Do you think they're more suitable for an older reader, say from about 15 and up?

(I wanted to buy one as a present for someone, but don't want to have to read it first - otherwise it won't look nice and new anymore!).





  1. Breaking Dawn is so disgusting, I don't think high schoolers should be allowed to read it. It totally lacks any morality. It's horrible and shouldn't even be allowed in the Young Adult section of public libraries.

  2. It rots brains of all ages!

  3. i think twilight is open to any age. i read it to my 3 year old cousin and she loved it. there's a little talk about s*x but only in eclipse and breaking dawn a lot oviolencece but only if you rreallylly closely i only cached it the second time i read it only a little swearing like "d**n" and things like that not that bad if u ask me. im 13 and i loved it my aunt is 26 and she loved it so that would be a good present!!

  4. Well, these books do have a small amount of swearing and in new moon and eclipse there is a little s*x though it never comes right out and says it. They would be fine for 15+ and even a mature 12 year old. MATURE being the key word!

  5. Nope, I read it when i was 12 years old.

    <<<<<<< I love it!!!!!

  6. They're not that bad and they're better than some of the other stuff. I would say a mature 12 year old could handle it but it's probably better for someone 13 or 14. I'm 14 and I think they're fine. there's barely any swearing, practically no violence and it's not descriptive at all. Read the first few chapters in the bookstore and decide if you think it's alright.

  7. The thing is Twilight can stand on its own. So if you only wanted to give them Twilight, its totally fine for a 12 year old. It gets a little worse in New Moon [book 2], what with the suicide-ish antics, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn [books 3 & 4] have minimal and under detailed romantic scenes. I think they are fine really for a mature 12 year old in today's times really..

  8. Not too much for a twelve year old. The newest book, Breaking Dawn, has a little bit about s*x and pregnancy in it. I think they are suitable for all ages.

  9. It is suitable for ages 12 and up. There is not much swearing, actually. The words are just 'd**n' and 'c**p.' The fourth book, though, has s*x scenes but are not detailed in description. They just fade and it's already morning, like that. There's also pregnancy involved.

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