
Twilight: Edward <3 ..... x?

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okayy if you dont have anything nice to say, you can just leave

I was just wondering

if you like Edward....

Would you go through what Bella went through just to erm "do it" with Edward?? (lol sounds weird)

+ what do think about the fact that Edward cans still get someone pregnant??

the point is, well their "puberty" thing like works even for a vampire cos dont need to change

but the thing is....

how can it last over 90 years??

do you know what i'm talking about

cos it's like for women,

they need to change

that's why female vamps cant get pregnant

but for men, they dont need to cos they are already born with it

er this feels sooo weird

explaining all this

i feel werid


anyway tell me what you think





  1. i so love edward i would so go throu what bella went throu just to be with him lol

  2. Well, in Eclipse, Bella was being foolish and stupid like an errr &quot;it&quot; addict. I makes sense that female vamps can&#039;t get pregnant cuz if they gave birth to a vampire, wouldn&#039;t the baby vampire stay a baby forever? But Edward can make the human pregnant cuz even though he is a vampire, he is a man vampire, and he doesn&#039;t give birth to the baby, he............ ugh, I feel weird explaining it too.

  3. For edward&#039;s puberty thing...human men can produce sperm until they doesnt matter how old they are..its like an on-going production. so i guess thats why he can still get Bella pregnant??

    btw, i love Twilight and Edward :)

  4. If you are not mature enough to talk about s*x (or should I use &quot;it&quot;) in proper terms and you feel weird even mentioning it the loose terms you did, then I am guessing you are not mature enough to be battering this subject to death.

    I will still answer your questions, but I will answer them without beating around the bush.  Hopefully you are mature enough to not be incredibly uncomfortable reading it.

    As far as what Bella went through to have s*x with Edward: Bella, while she is hormonal, is also the kind of person who wants to be with the man she loves in every way possible-including physically.  While society today has reduced s*x into something that is just a fun way to pass the time and be with someone, really it is much more than that.  It is a way to fully express your love to another and be closer to them, not only physically, but emotionally (and kudos to Stephenie Meyer on making them wait until marriage).  There is a hormone secreted in the body only during o****m that creates a sensation of closeness to the one you are with.

    Edward getting Bella pregnant:  VENOM.  That is the only fluid he has left.  Since venom is able to change a human from the inside out, when it reaches Bella&#039;s egg, it started to do the same thing, creating Renesmee.  It has nothing to do with being &quot;born with it&quot; (assuming you mean sperm.  Which, incidentally, men are not actually born with.  They have undeveloped sperm cells at birth, much the same way that women have undeveloped egg cells).  Female vampires cannot have children because your body needs to change incredibly to house a growing fetus and their bodies cannot change.  

  5. Well, it makes sense to me. Edward was 17 when he became a vampire, meaning he was plenty old enough to father children. There doesn&#039;t have to be any major changes taking place in his body in order for him to reproduce. So when he became a vampire, he was still in a state that is able to reproduce.

    And I wouldn&#039;t have gone through what Bella went through JUST to &quot;do it&quot;, but if I was in love I would have gone through a lot for that person.  

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