
Twilight Entertainment Cover?

by Guest21273  |  earlier

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That was a really bad picture of Edward...What do you guys think? I dont understand why they made him all white for the photo but in the movie he has regular skin...well in the trailer and released footage he was. Bella was beautiful...I know how the book always said how she wasnt s**y like that but maybe they were putting her in Edwards prospective. Bella did have a lot of guys after her she had to have been beautiful but in denial of her beauty. Any thoughts people?




  1. He looked a little strange.... lol.  I mean, what's with his shirt?Yeah, Bella was beautiful.  Well, they kinda had to make him all white...I mean, Edward was really really pale.  I think they made him sorta white in the movie too.


  2. Well it was done on purpose, and with all reason, Edward is extremely pale in the books, so its only natural he is in the movie. As for Bella she looks stunning, the exact opposite of what she should look like. But if you've seen the teaser trailer, she looks average and he looks pale, just the way it should be. It was just a cover that's why everything has got to be exaggerated.

  3. I agree, he did not need to be that pale, and Bella looks stunning.

    But trust me, it could have been worse.

    (Click the link!)

  4. he looks horrible.

    i heard it was photoshopped.

    whatever the case, someone had a little too much fun with editing, photoshop, and colorizer.

    Bella looked too reckless for twilight, I think it could fit her better for some parts in New Moon.

    It looked like something off a cheesy romance novel cover.

    however, it did show how Edward wants to protect Bella.

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