
Twilight Grand Final?

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Do you think it's a good or bad idea and why/why not?




  1. BAD BAD BAD!!! Does our great game have to lose every last piece of it's tradition?

  2. bad because they wouldnt get as many people i dont think

  3. bad

    and i hate how the tv stations dictate the agenda

    the afl needs to stand up for what the fans want

    demetriou is freakin useless

    in addition, i reckon they should take the tv rights off channel seven and give them back to channel nine

  4. Bad idea. Football is a saturday afternoon thing. Keep it as it is. I also hate the idea being thrown up about the grand prix being moved to like midnight or sumthing. Thatsbullshit. **** the ratings.

  5. No

    I would be Smashed b4 the game started

  6. i actually like the idea

    everything seem more spectacular at night

    fire works and all

  7. Bad.. Doesnt leave enough drinking hours in the day after the game to properly drown yr sorrows or celebrate a victory..!!

  8. Good Idea for television ratings, a 5pm start should not change too many things, you can still have a BBQ and family get togethers. It just means you will be a bit more drunk by the time of the bounce.

  9. Good question Lozz

    I dont think it would be a good idea.

    Grand Final Day is such a traditional day for so many people, with the beer, bbqs and the backyard footy.

    Why change it?

    The TV stations should stick to COVERING the game and stop trying to INFLUENCE it.


  10. Good nd Bad.

    Good- There might be a bigger audience because people might be at work or something during the day.

    Bad- It's a tradition nd the AFL should keep it going.

    So it's 50/50

  11. They are changing the whole face of the game,  they should just leave it alone for  10 years for god sake.

    Grand final  day is an Aussie tradition,  the bbq's,  the get togethers etc,   it's not just a game it's part of our way of life,  people go to grand finals days who never watch footy, like melb cup do's,  just leave it as it is.   my favourite day of the year.

  12. Bad idea. The grandfinal has always been played on the last saturday arvo of september for the 100 years or so. Im sure tradiotion overrules 2 tv stations searching for ratings. I do not like the concept of a twilight grand final as it just ruins tradition. I mean seriously if they want a twilight grand final they might aswell move t to a different state for the ratings. The grand final has always and will always be played in melbourne at the mcg on a SATURDAY ARVO and nothing else
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