
Twilight: I'm just curious...?

by  |  earlier

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erm i just want to know...

if you can have any of what the cullens or anyone has like gifts and stuff,

what would you have??

I would prob have Edwards


mind reading power

or his speed





  1. Edward by far,

    he is fast,


    can read minds,

    gorgeous and of course,


  2. I would want to have Edward&#039;s power. I&#039;d want to read everyone&#039;s minds and see what they&#039;re thinking. It would be kind of cool to see what people actually think about something, rather than listen to what they say! So yeah, I&#039;d love to have Edward&#039;s power...

    I love sara m&#039;s idea of being able to have all of the powers! Maybe that power would go into a gifted person&#039;s mind and make somewhat of a blueprint of their power, thus enabling you to obtain their power! I love the sound of that!

    Love, rwf! : )

    ♥ Harry Potter (and Twilight) Forever ♥

  3. Hi Jess

    I reckon it would be vry cool to have edwards power but i dnt knw if knowing what everyone thought would drive me crazy sometimes - especially if they were bad thoughts

    Also does this include (warning!!!! spoiler for breaking dawn!!!) bella - i&#039;d love to have her power - won&#039;t say exactly what just in case lol

    also just being totaly gorgeous n fast n all that is being a vampire would probs be enough for me lololol

    From Jess x

  4. Does Esme have a power? It seems like all she does is put her head between her hands. ALL THE TIME.

    Maybe her power is being a perfect housewife.

  5. I would want Bella&#039;s.  She can protect herself and everyone around her.  AND Edward can&#039;t get into her head... unless she wants him to.  Which is awesome, of course.  ;)

  6. I would like Alice&#039;s power... I think it would be so cool to be able to see the future. It would be helpful in so many ways.

    Hope this helps :D

  7. all in one ;)

  8. Defiantly Edward!!  

  9. edward




    and carslie

  10. arnt all vampires

    dazzling &amp; fast?

    &amp; i would have either Alice or Edward (:

    NO! or renesmee&#039;s.

  11. even though non of the cullens of anyone else in the books have this gift i would want to have the power to obsorb other peoples gifts so i could have everyones  

  12. I would want Edwards!

    jaspers is cool too! i like it because i can calm people down in a fight and there would be more happy people!

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