
Twilight Movie Release date?

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Ok, so when does it come out in America? 21st November 2008?

When does it come out in England? 19th December 2008?

Please help! Even if you just know one please answer!

Also pretty easy 10 points!




  1. Yes, it was moved from December when Harry potter moved to July.

    November 21rst- USA, Canada, and Mexico

    January 9- UK

  2. You have the US date correct. It does come out 21st November 2008. I'm not sure about the England release date.

  3. The release date for the twilight movie was moved up to november 21st i am so excited this movie is going to be an awesome movie. there is a website for the movie if u want to go to it, it has four videos about the movie, and pictures that are all really good.

  4. november 21st in the US

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