
Twilight Question!?(No Twilight Haters)?

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okay now in Twilight the New York times best seller(lol i sound like a commercial person)anyways well Freesia comes to my mind and i say i wonder how it smells like..Edward said she smells amazing like Freesia so i wanted to know What Freesia smells like=) please Describe!and add as much detail as you want!=)




  1. Um, I don't really know sorry!

  2. thank you for asking this

  3. Holly R, sorry but please don't insult people who hate Twilight. I mean, everyone has a right to their opinion.

    Freesia, according to the dictionary, is:

    any of a genus (Freesia) of South African bulbous plants of the iris family, with fragrant, usually white or yellow, funnel-shaped flowers


  4. erm its a flower... omg who hates twilight ???!?!?? they need to go get a reality check.

  5. Freesia is a bulb that flowers in early Spring. To me it smells fresh, light and not too sickly sweet. It's quite a strong perfume, though - you could smell it if you walked past where it was flowering.

  6. i believe it smells like  jasmine flowers.. i hope the movie will be good , i am reading the third book right

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