
Twilight Series (Eclipse)?

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Did anyone find eclipse very very boring?!?! With all the stories (Billy's story and jasper's story) I found myself wondering when the stories' would be over and they took up like 5 or 6 pages (GOSH) Im not quite done yet but im very close and nothing exciting has happened yet. I'm getting sooooo bored normally it takes me about two days to finish them but this one has taken me about 2 weeks and i still not done!

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  1. I like them all. Not all the books can be the same. They are all unique in there own way. But my favorite is breaking dawn

  2. no...its actually the best one out of all of them...

    new moon...was my least favorite beacuse it was always bella and the cullens werent really there...

    but eclipse is a great book..

    keep reading it and then you will think its awesome...

  3. Yea I did find it rather boring, I was thinking the same thing when I read it, it's like "DANG IT I think we get the point, a lot of people went through some stuff Big hooplah" I think Stephenie Meyer ran out of things to write right about there. I'm not sure why people make such a big deal on the series, I mean no lie I read it and all but I don't  find it great at all. The story line is rather bland, she explains too much on her symbolism and there are a lot of things that weren't even needed. I was even more so dissapointed when reading the fourth book, what a shock I didnt think it was great lol.

  4. Eclipse was my favorite =D

    But yes, Jasper's story and That Quilettes *or whatever* story was kind of boring. I just skipped them.. mwhahaha


  5. I liked Eclipse the least. The rest of the books I all read in one day, Eclipse took me about three weeks to read, simply because I kept getting bored. Even witht the audiobooks, Eclipse took me the longest to listen to. But I still like it.

  6. Eclipse was my favorite of them all.

    But I do love Breaking Dawn.

    And Twilight.

    And New Moon.

    SM usually puts all the action towards the end. Keep reading.

  7. I'm sorry. Two WEEKS?

    Eclipse is just as good as the others, but all the same, when I reread it, I skip all of the stories except Rosalie's story.

    Or at least I did. Before Breaking Dawn. Now I'm trying to sift out all of my emotions on the series and Stephenie.

    Hang in there. If you must, skip the stories. They arent really NECESSARY, they are there for suspense and to torture the reader a little.

  8. Well, Eclipse was hard for me to stick to also, but I really wanted to finish the series so i kept with 'em and they were really good!just stay with it, it'll be better soon.

  9. I loved all of the books but i can understand wat ur saying about the stories. they seemed to sort of drag on. i think b/c this story focused more on the love element of who bella was going to choose from the begining and not more on action its harder to get throu. i personally had a harder time w/new moon than eclipse thou.

  10. I hated Billy's story but i liked Jasper's it was kinda long but the end is better

  11. I only read the stories once every time I reread them I skip all the boring parts but trust me it is worth it

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