
Twilight Why's it so popular?

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So I read the first book and I honestly could barely force myself through it. It felt like Anne Rice was bending me over and raping my ***. What happened to Vampire being scary and violent blood suckers? Where does this Stephanie Meyer girl get off basically throwing away the history, powers,limits, weaknesses etc of the Nosferatu? Kids who read this book burn out brain cells. I just wanna know if I'm the only person who thinks it's horrid.




  1. yes it's repulsive. the only reason it's popular is because the little girls are in love with Edward, even though he a cold, manipulative prick who's a borderline abuser.

  2. Its so popular because every teenage girl wants a romance like Bella and Edwards.

  3. I haven't read it and I swear to god I never will. I heard the plot and it sounds awful! Vampires and Werewolves are suppose to be scary!!! God, I thought I was the only one who hated the series.

  4. Sorry, I didn't think it was horrid.  I thought she did a nice job of "thinking outside the box" actually.  There are scores of vampire books and movies portraying the gory, scary stuff.  Why not have a "sparkly" vampire for a change?  Anyways, I think the book is more about Bella and her "perceptions" and "feelings" and that's why it's appealing.  Young first love is very "fantastic" and traumatic etc. and this book captures that in a way that makes sense to teens.  Great literature it isn't, but then the author never set out to produce great literature, this was a dream she turned into a book and anything goes in dreams!!

  5. I wonder why it's called Twillight

  6. No idea. It's a very poorly written Mary Sue fic. The main character is an abusive b*****d. In real life, people would be screaming bloody murder but they love him and condone his behavior here. Vampires are supposed to be dark, not glittery. I couldn't even get 1/3 through it before I tossed it because it was so bad.

  7. Oh you're not alone! Twilight shouldn't be considered literature.

    Writing~ Horrible middle-school style, with one big word each now and then to make it sound professional.

    Plot~ Wait, what plot ?

    Characters~ Um, you mean abusers, pathetic liars and weak, spineless role-models ?

  8. I think it feeds into tweenage girls' fantasies. I mean, sparkling vampires? Seriously?

    I'll take the dark, blood thirsty type any day and blood makes me sick.

  9. It's more understandable to women because for us...Edward is hot! He does everything right.

  10. Twilight got famous because one screaming teenage girl thought Edward (a stalker) was hot. Then she went off screaming about him to all her friends, and they, not having minds of their own, began to scream. Then they screamed to their friends and so on and so on.

    Are you the only person? Not at all. Thousands of people think Twilight should never have been written, let alone published. The story revolves around two suicidal people obsessed with each other. And she made the vampires SPARKLY!!!! Not bloody or vicious, but SPARKLY!!!! It's almost like she's making fun of vampires, if that is in fact what they are. Because she doesn't give them ANY vampire traits. No, you are most certainly not alone in disliking Twilight.

  11. She got off writing it because she just wrote it for fun one night when she had a dream about the meadow scene.  She didn't even think of publishing it until she was almost done.

    Though, I think it's actually original that she didn't have them killing and sucking.  And since it's fiction it's not exactly "throwing away history"...

    I loved it

    But I understand where your coming from.  I've never liked the reverse of what SM did, I'm not much into gore.

  12. don't worry you're not alone. welcome to our side...

    there's a website called

    it's pretty funny.

  13. Because it's what most girls aged 12-17 want to read.  They want to read about a really sweet, gorgeous, handsome guy that's got everything going for him.  But I, although an almost-17 girl, really agree with you.  It's cliche and Mary/Gary Sue.  It's been done a million times before.

  14. It turns out a book can be devoid of an interesting plot as long as it's full of Mary Sues. I know, it goes against everything we've been taught. But it's as if the world was full of too much good literature, and people who don't like good literature were feeling left out. These are basically the people who will someday love Harlequin Romances, but are too young to read them right now.  

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