
Twilight book fans help please?

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can someone give me short like one paragraph summaries of chapters 15-24?? please?

that would be amazing!

first person who does will get best answer! :D

thank you so much!




  1. Chapter 15 The Cullens talks about Bella Swan's first visit to the Cullen's house. Edward plays her the lullaby he wrote for her. She is taken upstairs to be shown Carlisle's office where she is told Carlisle's back story. She is then taken to Edward's room where they talk and he playfully attacks her. They have music playing in the background. They are then asked if they want to go play baseball because it's about to thunder and they do.

    Along come James, Victoria and Laurent when they are playing baseball, and James is a tracker. He decides that he wants to eat Bella. From then on, alice and Jasper take Bella to Phoenix to keep her safe. Carlisle, Emmett and Edward go on a hunt for James. rosalie and Esme on a hunt for Victoria.

    Bella is lured to the Ballet Studio by James, who says over the phone that he is going to kill her mother if she doesn't come.

    Edward comes to save the day, and of course so does the rest of his family. Bella winds up in hospital, and it takes her months to recover from a broken leg and ribs.

    In the epilogue, Edward takes her to prom and they have a magical night.

    Hope that helps :)

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