
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer??

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i need to create my own blurb for a school project about a book and i chose the novel twilight. Can u please read the actaul blurb of twilight and my blurb of twilight and tell me if they are to similar.



When isabella Swan moves to the gloomy town of forks and meets the myserious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terryfying turn. With his porcelian skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural girfts, Edward is both irresistble and impenetrable. Up until now, he has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret.

What Bella doesn't realize is that the closer she gets to his, the more she is putting herself and those around her at risk. And it might be to late to turn back...

Deeply seductive and irresistbly compelling. Twilight is an extraodinary love story that will stay with you lovg after you have turned the final page


Upon Arrival to the gloomy settlement of Forks, Isabella swan, daughter of the town sheriff, unintentionally falls in love with the mysterious and puzzling Edward Cullen. As her life begins to fill with Excitement, thrill and happiness, danger seems to be lurking just around the corner. With Edward’s dazzling looks beyond comprehension, Isabella learns that there is much more to this teenage boy than what her eyes may perceive. With his true identity kept secret, Isabella is determined to uncover the truth behind those beautiful golden eyes.

What Isabella doesn’t know, it that the more she attaches herself to the irresistible Edward, the more she is putting herself in deep danger. As she tries to protect herself and her loved ones around her, Isabella learns that this challenge to keep everyone safe may be much harder than she originally thought…




  1. It's like you've taken the actual blurb and edited a couple of words.

    Move away from the actual blurb and try again.  

  2. More or less the same.

  3. Try not even looking at the original blurb when you write.  Like ignore it for a week then maybe re-read the book then write your blurb thing.

    Hope it helps! And hope you go well!

  4. I definitely got a sense of déjà vu.

  5. it's a little unoriginal and cliche.

    you can keep the original undercurrent, yet make it demand my attention.

  6. heyy. i loove the book. I think tat your blur is great, but yea.. the nly thing that needs edtig is bella not issbella. =) good luck

  7. Sounds good...I like it...But your blurb is too similar to the actual blurb...Try making it a little different...Like using different words and pharses...Besides that, it sounds really good...

  8. I like it!

  9. it's kinda the same to the actual blurb.. you are just paraphrasing.

  10. I think that that's a job well done. But as Alesha said, stop saying Isabella, Bella's fine. And I thought you said her name a few too many times. It's ok to refer to her as she :P people will know who you're talking about :) Oh and this is a pet peave of mine, it's not StephAnie, it's StephEnie. Sorry it just irritates me to not end :P

    Other wise, 2 tumbs up ;)

  11. It was good..........i mean its not like the teacher is going to be checking the book to see if you plagiarized or's different enough thats it's fine. But one thing you could change besides changing her name from Isabella to Bella the first time is to make it flow better, after you say" there is more to this teenage boy than what her eyes may perceive." you should say..... "there is more to this mysterious teenage boy than what meets the eye."  just a suggestion!!!!

  12. just one thing... don't call her isabella after the first time... she is bella... just thought i'd clear that up lol

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