
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer?

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One of my relatives sent me the book 'Twilight'.

She said I would enjoy it. Well, I'm not a big reader. It takes me forever to read a book since I'm so busy playing softball and with school just starting back up. I looked and Twilight is 498 pages long. That's super long for me. I'm wondering if I should really read Twilight. I like books that are romantic and set in modern day with teenagers (usually in school) so I can relate because I have trouble comprehending what I read. Is Twilight really that good of a book? Give me a review or your opinion on it WITHOUT giving away any details in case I do decide to read it.




  1. i felt the same when i first looked at it but now i just finished reading it for the 3rd time like a hour ago

  2. I am not going to rule out the possibility that you might absolutely adore this book - there are many, many people who do. Me, though, I don't understand why at all. There really isn't much to give away - my version of the book is 434 pages long, and the first 330 pages are almost entirely filled with Bella, the narrator, talking about how unbelievably attractive her boyfriend Edward is. The actual plot lasts precisely fifty pages.

    Yes, there is romance, if such a superficial and chemistry-less relationship as the one between Edward and Bella can be counted as romance. Yes, it is about teenagers, although I don't believe Stephenie Meyer spoke to a single teenager as research for this book. I am the same age as Bella and I couldn't relate to her at all - she and Edward are two of the most unlikable fictional characters I have ever encountered.

    It isn't a difficult read by any stretch of the imagination, and the length is the least of its problems. Since you have it, you may as well give it a go. If you don't like it, just stop.

  3. you should definitely read twilight. it's one of the best books ever! oh, and all the books that follow, of course!

  4. Twilight was the best, and most romantic/suspenceful book i have ever read, the other books are just as good, i love this saga im addicted.

  5. lol i know how you feel. it takes me forever to read a book that long, but Twilgiht was so good that i couldn't put the book down only when i had to go to school and basketball practice. New Moon is my least favorite book and i didn't want to read the other ones after it, but i did and Eclipse and Breaking Dawn were my absolute favorites or the series.

  6. I've read the entire series. I thought they started off fine in Twilight, but it just got mushier and mushier as you went along in the books. The characters are in high school, and the whole series is based solely on a romance. Any action in it is revolving around the main character.

    Personally, I didn't like the books. I thought they were badly written and boring. I read them because someone recommended them to me, and once I read the first I had to read the rest, just to see where it was going and what all the fuss was about. I thought the characters, especially the main ones, were shallow (except for two or three) and it was too much to read, every few page, about the main characters kissing, or looking into each others eyes, or talking about dying for each other. So gooey.

    I'm pretty sure you're going to get a lot of answers both ways, those who like it and those who don't. It's always that way when you ask for opinions. In the end, it all comes down to your choice. Me? I don't recommend reading it for entertainment. I would say read it just to be in the know and so that when someone asks you if you like Twilight, you can say yes or no and actually have reasons to back it up.

    If you do decide to read them, avoid Y!Answers, it's full of spoilers.

  7. Twilight's decent. There is no symbolism, depth, and message in the book, so all it is is a story. It's not great literature-- good books are always more than a story. They always have something else going on underneath the plot. Twilight's not like that. That's why people who don't typically read tend to like it-- it's not a hard book. It's just a story. It's not hard to understand, the writing is subpar so it's not difficult to comprehend (Twilight is on a 6th grade reading level, I think), and it doesn't make you think at all. Twilight was okay. It's oober cheesy (some of the lines in the book make me gag), the plot is kind of dumb, and Bella is the most annoying character ever. The writing is awful, Smeyer uses the same adjectives repeatedly, and the books have little to no action. I don't like Twilight at all, but I could see how someone would like it.

    New Moon is alright, Eclipse is alright. Jake is a great character, but he's basically the only thing I like about the series. Breaking Dawn sucks. It's the worst book I've ever read. The Twilight series crashed and burned from it's mountaintop with Breaking Dawn-- almost all of the professional views slammed it.

  8. I'm not a fan of reading too! But when I read Twilight I was blown away! I loved all the books of the series and they are totally better than Harry Potter! Haha! Give the ago, Twilight is the best! I even have started reading more boos now! Thanks Twilight!  

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