
Twilight fans!! I think I might know the release date for Midnight Sun, has anyone else heard about this? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm very sorry to get your hopes up, I just wanted to get Twilght fans attention.

So I don't know Midnight Sun release dates...

But you really should check out this video......

It's so cute.

Edward and Bella.






  1. argh..

    Midnight sun has been put on hold.. indefinetly

    Isnt that stupid!!!?

  2. aw that was such a cute video!

    'Edward' supposedly, pushed bella out of the way when a car, wasnt moving into her, hehe

  3. lol That certainly workled on me.

    I love all those Bella and Edward videos, I can't stop favouriting them on youtube, have you seen the channel 'nomoremarbles' its all about Twilight.

  4. lol. Wasn't the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun leaked? I've read the first three chapters but I'm not really sure if it's just fanfic or the actual thing.

    Hopefully it will be much better than Breaking Dawn. What a disappointing book :(

  5. Well, I undersand that you don't really know the date but check this out.  It stinks so bad.  I hate bad people.

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