
Twilight film! - good idea or bad???

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I'm curious about what other people think about the new Twilight movie.

I'm really worried that it's gonna ruin Stephenie Meyer's awesome book which I love to bits! What does everyone think? Is Robert gonna pull off Edward?




  1. i kinda despise the movie (which has been moved forward 3 weeks, november 21st!!!!!!!) movie=more fans=more harrassment D: and also, movies tend to ruin books (the last HP movie, I Am Legend)

    but im going to see it because it could be worth it (like Jumper and The Mist)

  2. Ahh! I'm so excited for Robert to play Edward. Hes 100% how I imagined him. It's like S looked at Robert and took his face and put it on edward. Hes going to pull it off easily. I'm so excited!  

  3. i really wanna see it 2, but im concerned about how close 2 the book itll b. the books has so many details and the characters r so multi dimensional, the actors and crew may find it hard 2 pull off. im going 2 c it anyway, just hope i can still read the books after

  4. i think the movie is going to suck. Stephenie's books are pretty dramatic and I think a film version of that would not work well. I guess it depends on the actors and the director, but from what i've seen in the trailer and the film clips...the movie looks too melodramatic.

  5. I'm kinda worried but I'm more excited. I mean the harry Potter books weren't ruined by the movies. I think the Twilight movie might turn out to be pretty good, based on the trailers I've saw.

  6. same; I'm really torn!

    I really want to see it made into a film but I'm so worried that they'll totally s***w it up :(

  7. im excited and worried because if they don't get Twilight right then alot of people are going to be very upset and send lots of hate mail and I really hope that Robert can pull off Edward!! I'm so excited! its coming out in November instead of December!!!

  8. I think like all movies made from books, there will be good parts and bad parts. Remember, not everyone has read the book, so they need to make this appealing for them as well. As a fan, I really hope they do make it relatively true to the book. I think Robert Pattinson will do a good job as Edward. I think you have to make the decision. Are you going to enjoy the movie, as they made it, because you can't do anything about it. Or are you going to remark on every little stray from the book, criticizing the actors and the way they filmed it.

    I really hope I didn't come across as ruse, because I did mean it in the best of ways. But really, you can't do much about the movie. Stephenie said she was extremely impressed with it, and in my opinion, she has pretty good taste when it comes to vampires. :D

  9. OMG

  10. I definately don't think it'll be ruined, Stephenie is involved a great deal in the movie, so she'll know what works and what doesn't.

    They ALL know how many people are judging them and their film, so I guess they're doing the best they can.

  11. I don't think a bad movie will necessarily ruin the books.  Everyone who already loves the books will simply condemn the movie and become sort of Twilight purists who only put any stock in the books.  But a bad movie won't pull in new fans, which is what a movie based off of a book should do.  The only problem is that Twilight is so popular.  I know a crappy movie came out pretty recently for The Dark is Rising, but the series isn't in any sort of spotlight right now, so it really didn't matter except that fans were disappointed.  

    I don't really expect much from the movie though.  I'm not terribly impressed with the trailers... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.  ^^

  12. I'm not worried, SM said that she was happy with the actors and actresses chosen to portray her beloved characters. She said she was especially ecstatic about Robert, as am I. The moment I saw a screen shot of him playing Edward, I knew that was exactly how I'd pictured Edward in my mind. I watched the trailer, and I think he makes a perfect Edward...he can definitely pull it off!

  13. i 100% agree with you.. im worried about that as well.. i hope he does pull it off as edward.. im just so excited to watch jasper because they guy playing him.. looks soo hott!

  14. let's think about all the bad movie adaptations of books out there-

    narnia (both of them sucked)

    harry potter (got progressively worse as the books got longer and they had to keep on cutting things out)

    eragon (haha major fail)

    the golden compass (missing something...)

    and more...

    now let's think about all the really good adaptations of books out there...

    the lord of the rings (amazing!)

    pride and prejudice (bbc version, not keira knightley)

    and that's all i can think of now...

    so where do you think twilight is going to end up? my guess, the bad pile.

    i hope they give bella a spine in the movie though...she's a disgrace to feminism as she is in the books.

    but we'll see, we'll see...


  15. good idea it the best book and will be the best movie

  16. Whether the movie is bad or good, it can't wreck the book it will just be embarrassing to watch. I think it's a good idea to make a movie because it might make more people buy the books.

    I think he will, I mean, you won't get a perfect person but as long as it is convincing, he will be as perfect as you can get.

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