
Twilight is the best book. ever.?

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who agrees with me? i think its waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than harry potter and waaaaaaaay better than any book ever made! why cant all books be like this?




  1. I agree with you definitely!!

    Twilight is amazing, be sure to read the whole series and her novel The Host.

    They are all just as good. (:

  2. I agree there the BEST books ever i LOVE them there AWESOME!

    plz sign

    Save Midnight Sun

  3. I KNOW!!!!!!! Stephanie Meyer is an absolute GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You need to read more.  That's all I am going to say.

  5. FINALLY! someone who agrees with me!

  6. I don't.

    I think Harry Potter is better than Twilight , and that's called literature.

    If you think that twilight is better , why Stephenie Meyer isn't richer than JK Rowling?

    xx Greetings

  7. I fully agree with you twilight rocks!!!!

    hope she finishes midnight sun though :(

  8. i think that it is the best vampire book in the world. harry potter and this book can't really be compared to each other. they have totally different stories. hp is the best witch and wizard book. lets just leave it at that

  9. Best book ever...err,no.

  10. Twilight's a good book.

  11. I love Twilight :)


  12. You obviously don't read much, do you?


  13. you mean it's better than:

    - the lord of the rings

    - pride and prejudice

    - huckleberry finn

    - slaughterhouse 5

    - wuthering heights

    - his dark materials

    - war and peace

    - les miserables

    - the count of monte cristo

    - jane eyre

    - frankenstein

    - dracula

    - anna karenina

    - moby d**k

    - oliver twist

    - crime and punishment

    - gone with the wind

    - the scarlett letter

    - uncle tom's cabin

    - grapes of wrath

    - the sound and the fury

    - the picture of dorian grey

    must i go on? i haven't even read most of these books and i KNOW they're better than twilight. i've even left some important ones off the list.

    the point is that these books have lasted years and are classics.

    THESE are the books you should be asking yourself 'why aren't they all like this?'

  14. No. It's not the best out there.

    I know a ton of books way better than Twilight. It's enjoyable to read, sure but... it's not the best book out on the market by any means.

  15. Yes, i agree with you!

  16. no seriously get a life!!

    ( a realistic one)

    Harry Potter is by far better and their is better books than that!

    "why cant all books be like this?" there is a good reason for this........because the world would be a VERY sad place if all books were as c**p as twilight :D

    oh and it's all a matter of opinion...

  17. ummm generation dead is good and so is the cluique books!!

  18. Well, I quite enjoyed Twilight, but I don't think it's the best book ever, or even close, though it's by no means the worst book I've ever read. I prefer Harry Potter, I find the characters more interesting and diverse and the stories more exciting, also there is more humour in Harry Potter.

  19. Have you read anything besides Twilight?

    Seriously, there are lots of books that are better than it, including Harry Potter. Its not the best book ever, and it never will be.  

  20. Listen, kid-

    1- Just because you enjoy a book doesn't make it the best book ever. Good on you for liking it but yours and fellow teens' tastes are not the hallmark of literature.

    2- If all books were like it, it wouldn't be the best book ever.

    3- Stop offending proper authors who write brilliant books but don't make lotsa lucra because they don't write about vampy boytoys.

    4- Learn the art of punctuation.

  21. I hate to make assumptions, but you really haven't read much, have you?  I can accept that you prefer it to Harry Potter, but there are definitely superior books that have been written.  Just because you're being narrow-minded and haven't read them is no reason to pretend they don't exist.  Try some classics- Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Little Prince... we can even stick with your vampire theme and read Dracula.  ALL those books are far superior to anything Twilight had the potential to be, in my opinion.  

    To answer your second question- if all books were like the Twilight series, I (and many other people) would lose complete faith in humanity.  THAT is why all books can't be like twilight.  Bring on the thumbs down!

    Have a nice day!

    ~ The Schwa

  22. the twilight series is good......the first book is always the best. But i don't think we could compare twilight to harry potter.  

  23. ya  i agree wit you. it was great..

  24. The first book was pretty good, but Breaking Dawn was an epic fail. The plot was awful, and most of the book was fluff. The main character is weak and her point of view is not the best one to be used.

    The book is perfect for it's demographic, and a very good seller, but it is not especially well written.

  25. i've never read the book but i want to and my best friend said it was really good. There even making the movie, that looked pretty good too.

  26. yes  i know I AGREE WITH YOU THIS BOOK ROCKS MY WORLD! i dont know what i would have done if i didnt find this book and yes its SOOO much better than harry potter.

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