
Twilight-jasper's story?

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ok im reading eclipse right now and im on the part were jasper is telling bella about him and maria or whatever. its in the chapter newborn. and begins on page 287. im extremly lazy and dont feel like reading the whole story about maria and her army so can someone sum it up and if there was something important that i was suppose to get then please tell me that also.....if you are going to say something bad about the twlight series please dont write anything at all.....

thanks for reading.




  1. He fought against the army thing and now has a bunch of crescent scars all over him. which Bella will look at her hand and see she also has a crescent scar.

    Oh yeah, Alice meets Jasper too. You should probably atleast skim it.

  2. well jasper was in the army and while he was in war he ends up being alone until maria ( a vampire )is searching for strong men to turn in to newborns. so she decides jasper looks strong enough so she turns him into a vampire.

    i didnt exactly get why she was creating newborn vampires but it had something to do with revenge and war .

    and he tells this story because it is similar to what victoria is doing.

    then later jasper decides to leave maria because the voulturi steps in to destroy all newborns and alice ends up finding him.

  3. A book isn't worth reading if you want to skip chapters.

  4. i kinda spaced out at that part. something about he got attacked by millions of vampires and then alice found him. Im gonna get thumbs downs I know!

    Wait til you read BREAKING DAWN!

  5. you should really read it, it is a very good chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Pretty much maria turns him into a vampire. They make tons of newborns, they make armies of them to wipe out other armies of them. Jasper just kinda faded out when the vulturi stepped in though.

  7. Maria's little "coven" of vamps (3 of them) turn Jasper into the Vampire (only Maria, tho) and Maria trains Jasper and an army of Newborns so she can take over cities all over the US. They fight a lot of battles, and Jasper gets bitten by a LOT of Newborns. That's whatcha get! lol jk. Then Maria makes a newborn of a guy named Peter. Jasper and him become friends, then Peter meets a girl named Charlotte. (also a vamp) Jasper decides to leave Maria/Peter/Charlotte. He subconsciously (sp!) decides to go looking for someone named Alice, who he has no idea who she is, or that he's even doing it. Alice was getting impatient, and says she thought he'd never come. Then Alice sees Carlisle's coven in a vision, and goes looking for them. She greets them all by name and asks which room she can move into.

    (Edward comes home & finds all his stuff in the garage because Alice said it had a prettier view xD)

    Im pretty sure i missed a bunch of stuff, and got some stuff wrong. I just did it from Memory! lol.

    Hope i helped!

  8. ok i'm in love with the Twilight series, but if you're too lazy to read that chapter, than you're outta your mind, and can't be that interested in the Twilight series at all. Just read the dang chapter its really good!!!!!!!!!

    READ IT!

    Cause i ain't summing it up nope nope nope

  9. its better to read it and i know how you feel I'm lazy all the time when i read but id read it you will get a better concept and understanding of the story than from someone who is just explaining it  

  10. That part is really good. You should finish reading that chapter, that is where Alice finds Jasper.

  11. I just finished that chapter....and, these are amazing books!

    It is hard to sum up, you really should read it!  I'm sure that something in there is going to come back later in Eclipse or the fourth book.  I promise you will not be bored!

  12. just read it, it's part of the book and you don't want to miss anything and be clueless later! someone might not explain it right or something. just read it before bed when you dont have anything else to do

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