
Twilight or Harry Potter?

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For me it's Twilight xD




  1. As far as children's books go, Dr. Seuss is vastly superior to both of them.

  2. i think most girls would pick twilight over harry potter......

    so its all personal preference

    i wanna read twilight

    just never got the chance

    harry is alrite....

    books are just so long

  3. Harry Potter. More going on, more realistic (yes I know they're both about magic but her things are just bettter), her characters are more likeable. Also, much more scope for fanfic. 31,000 Twilight articles and no slash? Travesty.

  4. The Chronicles of Narnia!!!!!!!!

    It's easy to read and the meanings in the books are of a much higher level.  

  5. Twilight!!! It's fresh it's new and it's soooooo addicting! Do they have an 'Edward Cullen' in Harry Potter????????

  6. Seriously, why do people compare them? one is about magic and the other vampires. there should be NO comparison! two totally different books! i couldn't say which i liked better because i can't put them in the same category.  

  7. For me its Twilight all the way. Although u schouldn't compare then. Their 2 totally different books

  8. Harry Potter. No contest.

  9. Both addicting, even though Harry Potter gets boring near the end. But Twilights real addicting.

  10. OH MY DEAREST EDWARD ANTHONY MASON CULLEN!!! How could you ask such a question!? TWILIGHT all the way!!!! Are you kidding me! The only reason I ever read the first HP book was because our teacher read it to us in grade two, when it had just come out and it was the new 'in thing'. I'm 15 right now, and believe it or not, I have never bothered reading any Harry Potter book after attempting to read the Chamber of Secrets. I read about a chapter, put it down and said "Nuh, I can't do this. Pure torture."

    Sorry to all you Harry Potter fans, but Twilight is my life, as I am sure for many of you Harry Potter is :)

    And in my opinion, there is no point in comparing the Twilight saga to any other book, because it has no comparison :)

  11. harry potter, never read Twilight

  12. there's no competition - Harry Potter!!!

    xx ;]

  13. Harry Potter quite easily.

    A. Theres more depth in Harry Potter, you can tell that the authors really planned it, and thought through every nook and cranny.

    B. There are more books to keep you gripped! I used to get so stressed out when waiting for a book! It was the same with BD though tbh...

    C. JKR's Harry Potter was one of the best selling books OF ALL TIME. All of time. Wow. Smeyers books aren't that widely known in England either.

    D. Type in 'Harry' on google and it comes up with Harry Potter. Then try typing in 'Bella' or 'Edward' ...

    Harry Potter all the way, that book will be on shelves on par with the classics. Twilight just got lucky but I still LOVE Twilight, we're so lucky to have both (:


  14. ::gasp:: I seriously never wanted this question to come up. I can't choose. I seriously can't!

  15. Twilight definitely, Harry Potter bores me to death, seriously!

  16. Twilight is aimed at teenage hormonal girls - Harry Potter is a lot more appealing to various demographics and deals with more complex issues and themes. Twilight just deals with obsessive "love" and not much else. It's a very shallow series.  

  17. twilight defienetly it was a good series

  18. are all you guys who said Twilight serious?!

    Defo Harry Potter!

  19. Twilight <3

    Breaking Dawn <3

    Midnight Sun <3

    Edward Cullen <3

    Jacob Black <3

    Yummy <3

  20. Harry Potter!! Without a doubt!

    Harry Potter is so relevant to society! For me it wins hands down. Twilight was good, but I was a bit disappointed in Breaking Dawn (who wasnt!), but it is a good series! However, it does not match the intensity, drama, and universality that Harry Potter does!

  21. I don't normally read books. I've tried to read Harry Potter but its really long and in my opinion boring.

    Being a girl i found twilight awesome. It's just so addictive and relatable in a way and i fell in love with Edward Cullen. It's my favourite book ever and i'm sure the movies will be better than the harry potter ones =] just my opinion though xx  

  22. Personally, neither. Sorry!

  23. anyway you are gonna watch twilight first because harrypotter is not going to come out till next will have plenty of time to decide which one is best.

  24. Both end disapointingly, with authors seemingly overconfident and vauge/happy ever after.

    Discworld and Black jewls trilogy forever

  25. i cannot choose this that is hard i love both i only read a few pages of wwilight so far book 1 but i love it so at the momet cannot choose sorry but both good books  

  26. That's a no-brainer. Harry Potter all the way.

  27. twilight. deffinatley.

    there is no romantic story in harry potter. its not the same.

    i think the movie will be better too.

  28. They are both brilliant but i've never obsessed about a book so much as twilight. it has everything!!!!!!! TWILIGHTWILIGHTWILIGHT!!!!!!!

  29. Harry Potter!

  30. I don't know Twilight, but it must be good to be in competition with Harry Potter.  

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