
Twilight series haters?

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can you please just explain one thing to me: why don't you like it? don't say "becuase its stupid" or "rubbish" or anything. really tell me. i love it, but i'm not like a fangirl. and whats this about a petition against stephanie meyer? do you people do that with every book you don't like? if you're one of the people who signed the petition, do you have nothing better to do then rag on an author of a popular YOUNG ADULT book series? as for the adult haters, you probably won't like it, considering its aimed toward YOUNG ADULTS! i don't care if you don't like it, but to start a petition against it? i know people are getting out of hand with it, but just ignore them. i hear people comparing stephanie meyers to stephen king? you know there's no comparison! he is a brilliant writer, and she is still young. explain why you hate the series, please and thanks.




  1. i think its just their reaction. any kinda book that people obsess about there will obviously be a backlash of haters. hard to explain but you don't find books that people just hate without someone going on about how much they love it....... get me????

  2. Ok Meyer is a horrible writer,

    Vampire love story? Not original.

    Edwards beautiful, theres no need to explain it in every paragraph.

    Plot, Bellas life revolves around Edward, thats not love. is that supposed to encourage girls to do whatever their boyfriends want?Characters have no depth, they're so shallow.

    Horrible ending.

    its c**p.

  3. Because the woman cannot write.

    Read the Twilight series and count how many times Meyer describes Edward as a god or says he's beautiful.

    Get some new words.

    Her lines are corny. "We have forever, and forever, and forever"

    "And so the lions fell in love with the lamb"


    Theres nothing special about the book the same plot has been done so many times.

    All Bella cares about is Edward. If you notice, she has no social life outside of Edward. She ignores her friends and is so clingy. And of course to end the series. The annoying brat gets turned into a vampire and gets everything that she wants. She begs Edward for s*x. What the h**l is that about?

    "I'll go to college if you have s*x with me"

    Wow great story.

  4. I didn't hate the series but then again, I'm not finished. It's horrible. Stephanie Meyer did a great job. She's a beginner! With like 4 bestselling books! That's what's with the haters. They didn't write the book so they should not take it so seriously.

  5. Let me explain this to you thoroughly. Twilight is not very good. At best, I found it dull.

    The plot is just that: dull.

    The characters are dull and do nothing for the story.

    Bella is whiny, clingy, and pathetic.

    There is no character development AT ALL; they remain pointless and annoying.

    Edward is also dull due to the fact that he's perfect. He's the overly cliche boyfriend every girl wants.

    I can see no relationship between Edward and Bella; only lust and obsession. There's no romance, despite claims that there is.

    There are always crappy one-liners make me want to vomit.

    The story is predictable as are the characters.

    The vampires she has created are horrible. What's with the sparkling?

    However, I've never heard of a petition against Stephenie Meyer. I find it pointless since people can write whatever they want. I'm a young adult and I don't like it, so don't think it's only the adults.

  6. I'm not a hater,

    but I think it's because of all the hype.

    That's what kept me from reading the books earlier,

    or even liking them as much as I would have.

    It's like High School Musical, or The Jonas Brothers.

    Everybody hates them because they're sick of hearing how great it is.

    Plus there are always the stupid pre-teen fangirls who are like, "Ur just jelus cuz dey r sooooooo talentd n ur not!!!"


    Over-hype = Lots of haters

  7. i dont know y. Im not a big romance grl. LOL i didnt sign a petion but thats not a bad idea. JKN

    Its just so UN REALISTIC. Even fantasy books hav alittle bit of real life. NO REAL EDWARDS> And bellas a klutzy girl who always gets introuble


  8. If I had read Breaking Dawn first, or had never read the rest of the series, I probably would have liked it.

    I had high expectations for Breaking Dawn because the first three books were really great. I felt like BD was amateurish in comparison. I would be very mad about it (the investment of my time, etc.) if I didn't do something to fix it, so I'm writing my own version of it.

    Twilight is to books what the Princess Bride is to movies. Neither are th epitome of their art. They're both lacking in several elements that would have even made them decent from a critical standpoint. But there is something compelling about each of them that makes people love them.


    It's not just a chapter.  I know it's a little confusing, but there's a pull down menu at the bottom and top left portions of the page where you can go to the other chapters.  I have 9 there now.

  9. 1) Bella Swan is a Mary Sue. She's always so clingy and naggy. Plus, she only likes Edward for his looks...

    2) Edward... is a pathetic vampire. I don't want to elaborate on him anymore.

    3) Come on, these kids claim to love each other so much after what? Three days to a week?

    4) I'll say that S. Meyer has beautiful imagery... but her writing skills are poor. I'm not saying I write better, but... I cannot believe this is a bestseller. I've read better things on Fictionpress to be honest.

    5) The plot is amazingly poor. Until now, I still do not know the real plot... unless the plot is Bella's struggle to become a vampire.

    Overall, this book is overrated. I'm sorry. =[

  10. She can't write. Her mesages are screwed up. Religion shows through which I hate. Bella is a poor role model for the women. Feminists should actually be enraged about her books. Thats all

  11. I don't hate the Twilight series, I just think Breaking Dawn is a disappointment. The petition was against Breaking Dawn, written by someone who is a great fan of the Twilight series. Why do I not like Breaking Dawn? Because I think, personally, the series was better when the plot revolved around Bella and Edward, instead of the baby. And I agree with you, you cant exactly compare authors, each writer has his/her own style of writing.

  12. Mmm. Me?

    I don't hate the series, I don't think its particularly good, either. I read tem because they were popular, and was rather disappointed. They were more romance than fantasy, and I'm just not a big romance reader.

    I got the fourth book for the heck of it, and had opinion lowered a bit more.   The fourth book was internally inconsistent and had a much different tone. I don't hate the series, but I am sensitive to some mormon beliefs that I disagree strongly with. So perhaps I'm over sensitive to every little might-be-mormon belief within those pages, who knows?

    I don't think I'm alone however, with the others who argue that Bella is over dependent on Edward, being low on characteristics and hobbies and friends in return for a boy. A typical damsel-in-distress story, staring the D.I.D.

    Edit: As said above, Bella whole thing with "Eddie I'll go to college like you want me to, even though I'm not smart, if you'll have s*x with me."

    I've been watching the fights between the twilight obsessed vs the twilight obsessed who hated Breaking Dawn vs the twilight haters with the other book readers who think this is funny. You can't claim that Stephenie Meyer has the most original plot ever, either.

    Stephenie Meyer IS a good story teller, just not a good author. And therin lies a great difference, between her, and JKR.

    Edit#2: As also said above, Edward is way to perfect, the whole series works out way to perfect without barely any mentions of reality. Nothing really works out that perfect. Nothing.

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