
Twilight series..need your opinion

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Okay well i finished reading breaking dawn i loved it but i know i might be selfesh but i can't get over it how jacob stop loveing bella and how he never realy loved her it was her daughter that he imprinted..and i just wanted bella to be shared how edward suggested when balla was dieng because of her getting pregent i want jacob to love her the way he did before i don't like the way he totally forgets bella and falls for her daughter........... i know this all sounds selfesh becase everyone gets a happy ending and finds love but i wanted to know if anyone agreed with me on this..




  1. I'm sorry but I don't agree on this because after the whole imprinting on the daughter thing I realized that from the very beginning that Stephanie Meyers was just trying to say how Jacob was meant for Nessie and that because Nessie was "connected" to Bella that is why Jacob loved her but once Nessie was not "connected" to Bella anymore he fell out of love with her and into the real thing. It maybe hard to accept the fact that Jacob just fell out of love with Bella but you got to remember that Bella fell out of love with him too I think it's maybe because she was no longer "connected" to Nessie so she no longer felt that way.

    I'm sorry if you don't agree with me but that is how I see it and I know I just love the book I've read it twice so far and I'm about to go reread it :)

  2. I actually kind of felt that way for like a fraction of a second. I was kinda sad for some reason to find out that Jacob may never have actually been in love with Bella, it was just his need to stay by her until she had her daughter, since he was destined to imprint on her, but don't you think it's better that way? I never wanted Bella to be "shared" because that would be ridiculous and impossible, but I was kind of hoping that Jacob would never forget Bella, but maybe he and Leah healed each other's broken hearts over time, or something like that. But it's obviously a million times better that Jacob found the person he was meant to be with and Bella doesn't have to feel bad about it or anything. Anyway, it was just an all around total big happy ending. :]

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