
Twilight series question. help!!!?

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Why do the werewolves in the twilight series imprint and how? And why is Leah a werewolf if werewolves are normally men?




  1. in breaking dawn jacob shares a couple of therories

    werewolves (might) imprint to keep the blood line strong

    there is one other theory that i cant remeber...

    but then that basiclly gets proven wrong

    so i dont think we every really know why

    they imprint on someone the first time they see them after phasing into a werewolf

    im not sure why leah is the only female werewolf. im guessing because of her blood line...

  2. They don't really explain it in the series, but they mentioned that they thought that they imprint so that they'll imprint on the person most likely to pass on the werewolf gene. I don't really know how they imprint. They just do I guess, lol. And I have no idea why Leah is a werewolf. They don't know in the series either.

    Hope I helped somewhat!

  3. There really is no explanation to why they imprint. It's just kinda like love at first sight. If they see that person then they know. They talked about it being strange that Leah is a werewolf but I don't think they gave a straight answer.

  4. No real explanation...

    Leah is a werewolf because she was really needed to be one at the time with all the vampires around Forks...they needed all the help they could get!

    They just imprint because it is part of the fiction...

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