
Twilight series quote help?

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ok, so i need some help figuring out this quote and what twilight book its from.

its when alice (i think) is talking to bella about the bloodlust after becoming a vampire and she says something like "it would be interesting to see what you would be like after the change since you choose to do it, where as we all had no choice"

it may have been carlise saying it too. and those ARE NOT the exact words. so i would really like some help with that!

thank you!




  1. No It was Alice saying that. I think Alice means that maybe the choice to become vampire would curve her thirst or possible make it worse.

    She also could mean that her reaction to the venom could be different to the others, again becouse she was changed by choice.

    It could ALSO mean, she might have less problems having already seen vampires and the way the Cullens live.

    Just my ideas though, hope it helps.

  2. it's from eclipse.

  3. i'm pretty sure it was alice but it may have been rosalie

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