
Twilight series vs. Inheritance series, which has sold more?

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I want to know if the Twilight series has sold more books than the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini.




  1. Twilight has.

  2. It's a tie between those two.

    Whoever thinks Eclipse beat Harry Potter seven in SALES or that Twilight sold more than Harry Potter is obviously stuck in a cave.


  3. Twilight.  no doubt.

    it's third book, Eclipse, actually  beat the 7th harry potter book for #1 in the NY Times best seller list several weeks running!!!

  4. Twilight.

    The inheritance series hasn't really sold that much. It's probably in the top 10 best sellers, but harry potter was #1 and Twilight beat it out. If you haven't read it, you should. It's a very good book.

    In my opinion on a scale of 1 to 10, and fair is fair if you don't agree with this, Eragon is about a 6/10 and Twilight is at least a 9.5/10

  5. Twilight has so far. But there are four of them and only two inheritance so far so maybe with the thrid Inheritance it will take the lead.

  6. Inheritance. The Twilight series has sold around 10 million copies worldwide, whereas Inheritance has sold 12.5 million worldwide. Also schmitty lives in a cave if she thinks Twilight has gotten anywhere near the 400 million copies Harry Potter has sold.

  7. Twilight <3

  8. I don't actually know, but it seems that the Twilight series has. But I think the Inheritance series more deserves more credit than it has received.  

  9. It's Inheritance series, these people have obviously not done their research, nor do they know how the NY Times bestseller list works. The Inheritance series has sold about 2 million more copies than the Twilight series, and this is with only two books in print. The third book (Brisingr) will be released on September 20th, so expect that to increase even further. And not to mention when the fourth book gets released as well.

    Also, Deathly Hallows sold 44 million copies worldwide alone, which is more than four times what the entire Twilight series combined has sold.

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