Question: edward cullen?!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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im designing my own tattoo of twilight and i almost got it complete but im having issues thinking of something that resembles the vampires... i have paw prints for the werewolves but i cant think of anything for the vampires can anyone give me ideas or even a pic?!?!?! much appreciated




  1. You could put "I <3 Edward Cullen" (though I highly advise against it...).  Or you can base the tattoo off of this picture:

  2. You're getting a tattoo?

    ...Really? Something that will be on you FOREVER...

    And it represent a horribly written piece of literature that was written by an author who knew girls would go crazy about some fictional guy so she a book and made money off of it, all thanks to girls being crazy about fictional characters.

    Sweet tattoo.

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