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Do you think all the characters in the new upcoming Twilight movie fit for everyone?




  1. No! I don't think Nikki Reed suits Rosalie at all! I picture Rosalie waaaaaay prettier (Bella only mentioned how unbelievably gorgeous Rosalie was every time Rosalie's name came up in the book)!  I pictured her as Kaley Cuoco. I think Kaley looks a lot like Rosalie in this pic :

    I'm not too sure about the others. I'm still kinda not like Kristen Stuart as Bella, but I watched a few interviews with her and Edward and they're really cute together! I pictured Ellen Page or Emily Browning, or even Alexis Bledel as Bella, they just seem to have a more 'Bella' face.

    I think Emmet suits whoever it is that's playing him.

    I don't like the girl playing Alice though. She's too old and not as pixie-ish or that pretty.


    I don't like the character playing Esme. I think she's too old too.  I pictured someone like Barbara Ann Scott(even though she's old now)

    And I think Robert Pattison is perfect for Edward. His hair is exactly right, and he's pale and he's hot, but somethings weird about his eyebrows.

  2. NO!!!!


    i think Edward looks weird

  3. Yeah I think they will (:

  4. I think a lot of the characters were poorly cast for this movie. I really like the actress playing Esme and I think their cast for Bella is pretty good too. I really LOVE the guy playing Emmett!! He's hott! lol. The guy that is playing Jasper would have been so great if they hadn't died his hair that fake blond color.

    I dislike Carlisle, Jacob, and Edward. Seriously, Robert Pattinson!? They can do so much better! Edward is the most handsome, gentle, hottest, sweetest guy ever. I really don't have a strong opinion on who should really play Edward though because he's a hard character to cast, but there are definately better fish in the sea..  who knows, maybe they can work some kind of miracle on him and he will make a good Edward after all... We will see.

    < I think Johnny Pacar might make a good Edward, but it's not like we can do anything about it.

    I just think we should read the books before the movie comes out to get our own characters in our head, and if the actors aren't how you feel they should be in the movie, you still have the books to read after it's all over. I really don't think the movie will be all that bad though. A little cheesey maybe from some of the stuff I've seen, but a good movie none the less! And im soo glad it's coming out 3 weeks earlier now... less time to wait!

  5. well edward is ok. i love his hair!

    bella is ok, too guyish sometimes.

    emmet IS WONDERFUL i love kellan lutz as emmet

    alice is ok

    jasper is soo cute!

    Jacob i hate his wig lol

    esme is ok

    rosalie SUCKS i love nikki reed but she is not rosalies material im sorry

    carlisle IS UGLY AS HECK! - i wanted JUDE LAW for that part!

    THE REST IS pretty good


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