
Twins fans shower the field with hats/garbage...

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... and its made into a big deal on both Yahoo! and ESPN....

If I recall the EXACT same thing happened (possibly worse) at Wrigley Field 7/26 in a game against the Florida Marlins. The game was tied in the bottom of the ninth and Hanley Ramirez made a ridiculous play and got Mark DeRosa as he slid head first into 1B.First base coach slammed his helmet down, got tossed, Lou Pinella came out and started arguing. After Lou got tossed, people began tossing bottles, cans, whatever they could find.

This wasn't made into any sort of national news story, it wasn't posted on Yahoo!, and it very well might have been worse than the incident in the Twins - White Sox game....

Why is it that only some things are reported, while others are blown out of proportion.?




  1. i was at the game.  Yes hats came down and then the drunks tossed baseballs and ozzie was right to clear the field.  After about three minutes the section I was in started to chant "let's play ball"  It was some drunk idiots who kept throwing and not the 30,000 in the dome.  

    I was also there about ten years ago when it was dollar dog night and people were tossing hot dogs at Chuck Knoblach(sp?).  One hit him it was fully dressed with onions k***t, relish , I mean you must hate a guy to do that.  

    Anyway Minnesota Nice gets pent up and then they let it fly we should be good for another ten years or so.  Unless AJ does something bad and the fans go crazy.  

  2. It's surprising because the Twins have classy fans. It's not something you would expect to see in Minnesota.

  3. I think it was a bigger deal this time because it was so bad that the coach actually called his players off of the field. If one or two drunk fans throw something, you just pick it up and get on with the game, but when lots of fans are throwing things, its a disruption.

    According to the report, it was bad enough that they actually annouced in the stadium that if it didn't stop, the umpire could declare the game a forfeit for the Twins.

  4. I remember that too. They made a big deal about the Twins because the coach brought the team back off of the feild.

  5. This seems to happen at least once a season, it just makes the home team fans look bad. It's been happening as far back as I can remember watching baseball.

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