
Twins question (im confused)

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Hello, My husband really wants twins (im not so keen on the idea as its just too hard) and my aunt has just had twins. My husband told me there is some needle that i can get to make me get twins.... im not sure if he means IVF, but he said something about a mate's family member who got quads by this way. Can you tell me what he is talking about, and if its true, how effective is it, what is it called, give me all the details... thanks very much :)

By the way, twins dont really run in the family, just in the distant family




  1. You could take clomid capsules (you can get them from your doctor) which could make you ovulate more eggs so it would be more likely you would have twins. Of course there is no true way to ensure you have twins unless you get IVF or something...

    I'd say that when you get pregnant, just be happy with your baby whether or not there are 1 or 2 or 6 of them


  2. IVF is very effective in producing multiples. but I think you have to be infertile to get it. BTW it could produce 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 or more.  

  3. You can't just decide to have twins.  Even with things like IVF where multiple fertilized eggs can be placed in the uterus, there is still the issue of implantation.  In most cases of IVF, two fertilized eggs are usually placed in the uterus hoping at least one with implant (for older women, the number can be as high as three, but again, this is all done with the hope that just one will implant).

    You could try fertility drugs that increase your likelyhood of ovulating multiple eggs giving you a higher likelyhood of twins.  But these drugs are ment for women who have problems ovulating.  It would be reckless (perhaps even malpractice) for a doctor to prescribe you fertility drugs just to increase your odds of twins because there is too much danger of high order multiples (more than just twins).

    Now one of the easiest fertility drugs to get is clomid.  But here's the rub, for normal healthy and fertile women, clomid actually makes it more difficult to concieve.  The reason is that clomid has the side effect of drying up cervical mucus.  With drier CM conception is more difficult.  But for women having difficulty concieving because of annovulation, they at least have a higer likelyhood of concieving with dry CM and ovulating compared to wet CM and not ovualting.

  4. I think you just have to BD and be grateful for the children God gives you. Those procedures are really invasive and shouldn't be done unless you are incapable of conceiving. Good luck to you!  

  5. I suspect he's talking about IVF which your doctor probably won't give you unless there's a genuine fertility issue. I don't know of another way to get quads other than IVF. Who would want to carry those things for 9 months anyway :)  The risk to you and the baby/ies is too high. Multiples can really mess with your body!  But Clomid raises the chances to 1 in 10 so that would be an option. Again, make sure you get the right dose from your doctor because there are also risks with Clomid.  

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