
Twins run in families?....?

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I found out twins massively run in my family. Most families in my nans family tree have had twins. My parents generation (i'm 19 btw), auntie's on that side of the family (who are twins) and their cousins etc, none of them have had twins though which is strange, so it skipped their generation. Would that mean that it's my generation that is due to have twins or is it my/our children who will have the twins??

I thought that would mean it's my generation that's due twins, my family think it's our children? My cousin has just had a baby girl, the first to have a child of our generation.




  1. Twins don't exactly run in families, I believe it just has to do with the way a woman ovulates. It's possible that a an ovulation pattern or releasing more than one egg at a time can be passed down through genes.

  2. I always thought it was fraternal twins that run in families rather then identical because it's two eggs being released and that is more a genetic thing then having eggs split.

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