
Twitch/Spasm in my uterus... help please?

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I started having a spasmic like twitch in what I would assume is my uterus about a week ago. I took my NuvaRing out last Sat and started feeling the spasms on Mon night. It has been going on since then. I have started my period but still feel the twitches. That Ring was the first (and last) one I ever used. Prior to the Ring I took 3 HPT's that came back neg. and then went to the Dr. that did a urine and blood test, both neg.

I called my Dr. on Wed, and spoke to the nurse. She said that it is not normal, they do not have people complaining about that as an effect of the Ring. She said I should make an app't but the soonest they have is Fri. I took the app't but can not keep it because of the time of day and my work schedule.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it serious? Can I cancel or push back the Dr. app't? I have never had this until I used and took out the Ring. If it is from that how much longer will it last before the hormone is out of my system?

Thank you everyone!!




  1. I've experienced the twitches with the pill and now, IUD and my doc has no idea either as to why the twitches occur.  I've had babies before and felt that same twitch while pregnant, but I know for a fact that I'm not now.  Maybe it's just some small side effect of the hormones being released.  When I googled this before, a ton of other people were questioning it too and they all had birth control in common.  I wouldn't worry too much about it though.  I've had it off and on for years  

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