
Twitches in My Muscles

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I've had this issue that started about 3 months ago. I get random twitches in my muscles that last about a minute than go away, coming back 20 minutes later sometimes, at other times coming back 2 hours later. It started in my thighs and over time it went to my neck muscles, It comes on the back side of my muscles near the rib cage and most recently and As I'm typing this its twitching above my belly button where my abs are. What could be wrong with me? Is this a serious concern? What can I do to stop this or prevent it. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks




  1. My muscles twitch too when I over work. So I think this is normal.

    Unless you're not working out at all. I would check a doctor about this.

  2. Muscle spasms often occur when your electrolytes are imbalanced (dehydration for example)...make sure you are drinking a lot of water and eat a banana...I know it sounds hokey but try it.
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