
Twitching Eyelids? ..........?

by Guest33029  |  earlier

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All day, on and off I have had twitching eyelids. You cannot see them twitch, but I can feel it. It just comes and goes.

I know in the past I have had this, and it just went.

Any fixes for it? I have been drinking Alcohol the past week, and havn't drank today, not sure if that can cause it.


24 Male, good shape, healthy. Computer user, due to job.




  1. My eyelids twitch when I have had too much coffee.  Also the computer screen may be fatiguing your eyes.  I don't know about the alcohol.

  2. im 13 and i quite often get it usually i find it is beacuase i havnt slept enough and have been up too late. When i start having more sleep it goes.

  3. Usually happens when you are tired or stressed. Go to sleep!

  4. Im the same stat wise just ten years older.

    I get what you get on and off and i think its related to the booze.

    If you lay of the booze im sure it will go.

    I gave up smoking 3 years ago and all sorts of little minor illnesss i shall say just vanished.

  5. I have the same problem , my doctor said I was drinking to many sodas, getting to much caffeine. I only drink one soda a day now , and my eyes stopped twitching.

    It could also be nerves. You should go get your eyes checked by a doctor to see if your eyesight is o.k.  

  6. everyone has said they have had it, with different reasons, its just your nerves in your eye, i get it all the time too, most people do!

  7. it is usually caused by stress but also can be caused by long use of of computers and many hours in front of the screen but may not always come on instantly.

  8. Alcohol is dehydrating and then alot can go wrong. You may be exhausted. It happened to me a few times, and I found out that exhaustion will cause it.

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