
Twitching beneath the eye?

by  |  earlier

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usally were you get dark circles

the twitching is only on the left eye not on the right

it'll stop for a min. then start twitching again

When i woke up today there was no twitching

it just started today

please help




  1. That happens to me all the time! Except in my right eye. It's kinda annoying...

  2. i had that problem i went to a chiropractor and it helped he said it was a pinched nerve.

  3. I get this all the time, it doesn't mean anything....but, it is annoying!

  4. Eye strain and lack of rest for your eyes usually cause that problem.  I would stay away from your computer for at least one day if possible and get some really good rest.  I've had that last 2 and 3 days (on and off).  That was the only thing that really helped was getting away from the computer for a day and getting rest.

  5. Usually when you haven't been getting a lot of sleep your eyes will twitch.  Try getting more sleep the next few nights and see if that helps.

  6. Hi Jackie,

    It's just a temporary muscle spasm. I'm sure you've had them in your legs before. It will pass. Try ice. If it doesn't pass in a couple of weeks, see your doctor.

  7. I sometimes have the same thing.  Lasts a few minutes, then goes away.  I wouldn't worry about it, though.

  8. i get  it in the same eye in the same area..... my teacher said its from blood pumping if theres a clog or something like that. My aunt also said the same thing and she is on the medical field

  9. wow that happens to me sometimes to!

    don't worry about it

  10. Often trwitches of the eyes are caused by stress. Even if you dont know it, or realize it, often times your body will try to accomodate for stressful situations. Try releaving the stress and if that doesnt help see a professional

  11. Could be stress could be anger.

  12. thats happining to me too. i dont know whats up with it, but its on my lower lid on the left eye. right in the corner.

    but ill keep up to this post and figger it out.

    ill let you know if i find neything.

  13. I've once heard that a twitch in the eye is stress related.  

    So maybe you have to take time and just relax for a few minutes when you get the twitching.  

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