
Two's teacher?

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I just got a job teaching 2 year olds at a daycare center. I have taught 2 year olds for about 6 years now but for some reason it is so hard for me to jump into a new daycare center with new children. Does anyone have any advice on how to get the children to sit down for circle time?? For some reason I'm having a hard time.




  1. first walk them around in a circle in front of chairs and then have them look at a book in your hand and say oooh look at this !  I want to read you a story.... if you want to hear a story.... put up your hand :D. Oh let's all sit down for a story:D

  2. If they're not able to sit during circle time, you might want to reconsider your routine.  I'm not necessarily saying take away circle time all together, just watch when you do it.

    If you are doing it in the beginning of the day, try changing to before lunch.  Stick to the routine and the children will eventually get used to it.

    This is a fun age, but a challenging one when you're the new person starting new routines.  See if you can find out what the old teacher did as much as possible, adjust to that, then make small changes as you go.

    Good luck!


  3. i assume questionas are asked @ cirlce time so when they answer a q rite give them candy, or make it more fun for them, maybe add toys and mor eplayfulness to cirlce time, idk.

  4. Young children are very smart and learn very quickly. They are testing your limits. As long as you show them you mean business, they will know that when you say circle time, it's time to sit on the carpet (or wherever). Also, they are still getting to know you, and need to feel safe and secure with you before they will confide in you. You need to be stern, but in a way they feel loved. DO NOT!!!! bribe them with treats....they will always expect them.

  5. What i find that works with my two year olds s to place a cut out o the carpet (tape it down!) and when you are going to circle i sing " put your bumpers on a (__Cut out ojbect__), put your bumpers on a(__Cut out ojbect__), then we can start some some when your bumpers on a (__Cut out ojbect__)" sing to farmer and the dell. I felt the same way when i started with my little guys. i hope that this works for you!
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