
Two Children Under Two?

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Hi everyone!

Can I get some feedback/advice from mothers with two or more kids under two?

I have a 7 1/2 month daughter and just found out im pregnant again today (YAY!) I'm happy to be pregnant, as I would like my children to be close together in age, but am interested in other mothers experiences.

(Serious answers only please - Nobody likes nasty/useless remarks)




  1. I found out I was pregnant when my daughter was 2 months old. After going on and on about how I wanted my kids at least 5 yrs apart, they ended up being 11 months apart.

    My daughter adapted really well, as she didn't know what was going on and was too busy getting into everything to be jealous or feel left out. The first year is complete chaos just because both babies require so much attention but once they're able to play together it's great.

    It's also good knowing that i don't have this huge space where I get out of "baby mode" and then it's like I'm a new parent all over again. I have a girl and a boy now, and not planning on adding to it. So to be able to raise them together and not have to go back through sleepless nights, diapers, bottles, etc. is great too.

    Try not to worry about how much work it's gonna be, once you're in the situation you'll adapt and the time will fly by. If you think about it too long you'll probably end up insane! Good Luck and Congrats!

  2. Well congrats :)

    My daughter was 16 months when my son was born, and because she as so little, she really adapted well to having her baby brother around the house. Alot of people told me it would be so hard, but I have found it really hasnt been. When I was pregnant it was, as the time I needed to sleep, i couldn't as I had my daughter there, but once my son was born, I found that the routine for both kids were so easy to follow. The cost was a bit, as I had both in nappies.

    My kids are now 3 and 4, and they are the best of friends. They are so close, and play and play together all day. Where one is the other one generally is also. Yes they have there fights every now and again, but no matter the age, siblings argue.

    If I had to do it over, I would defiantly again have my kids close in age :)

  3. I got pregnant with my second child when my daughter was only 5 months. They are 15 months apart. I wont lie and say that it wasnt rough to have them so close together, but it turned out good. They were close enough together that they were still able to play together and interact w/eachother. I like the fact that they are so close together in age, it gave them a close bond. It wasnt fun to have to buy diapers for the both of them at the same time though. :)  It will be fine, its a lot of work, like any child is, but its so much fun and they will definetely keep you on your toes. Congrats, and good luck!

  4. I have 2 children and there is about 18mths between the 2 and having them close together has its advantages and its disadvantages.  You will get all the sleepless nights out of the way in one go.  The older child will love 'helping' with the younger one, until they grow up a bit then they can't stand the sight of each other (or maybe that is just my 2)  Because they are of similar age they have friends oin common, school levels and can share things that I think siblings with a larger age gap can't.  

    If I were to start all over again, I would do the same and have a similar age gap, it has worked for us.

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